– I must have a hand to hold before I die – VG


“SENKVELD”: Kasper Wikestad tells on Friday’s TV 2 broadcast in a brutal and honest way how he was affected by cancer. Photo: Helene Kjærgaard / TV 2

A clearly emotional TV 2 commentator, Kasper Wikestad (44), recounted on Friday’s “Late night with Helene and Stian”, brutally honest about the cancer that struck him.

He talks about how he first saw his stay in the hospital “as a good story”, then it was about “passing hour by hour” and that he was “quite depressed”.

– Then you stay there and think that you will not get well and that you will die there.

Kasper Wikestad is perhaps best known as a commentator for the Premier League and ice hockey on TV 2. But when he now hopes to return “in the box”, it is Hoppuka.

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– These are the two races right after the New Year. Now I agree to go back to that, he says on Friday’s show and so talks about Innsbruck and Bischofshofen.

Wikestad tells the whole story of how he “had a little stomach ache” and was “dragged to the doctor by my better half”. There they told him it was the appendix. He considered that the stay in the hospital was a little “exciting”, took a selfie and enjoyed the Champions League on television.

Then the surgeon came and told them that they had found cancer in the intestine and in the kidney. It is difficult to assimilate.

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The sportscaster says he underwent two operations first, which were “horrible,” but he was still hopeful it was “a good story.”

– But then there were many complications. Suddenly he was back on the operating table. After the fourth operation, I no longer thought it was a good story.

RAPP MOUTH: Kasper Wikestad brings out the smiles of Helene Olafsen and Stian Blipp. Wikestad and Blipp worked together for TV 2 during the Olympics. Photo: Helene Kjærgaard / TV 2

Wikestad says it was great when he was finally able to return home to his wife and children, ages 9 and 14. Pay tribute to the family.

– It wouldn’t have happened without your wife. He was in the hospital most of the time.

He also tells of a special episode in which, equipped with many “cables”, he had a feeling of claustrophobia.

– I sent a message one morning and said “now you must come, because I must have a hand to take before I die.”

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Wikestad says that “many have had it worse” and believes it is important to talk about it, especially for men.

– Go to the page of the Cancer Society and call them, it’s the call.

The TV 2 profile also encourages people to watch:

– It is very important to check. You may not have symptoms. I was lucky that the appendix “gossiped” about stomach cancer. The doctors told me I was lucky. There and then it didn’t feel like that, but in hindsight I’ve understood it.

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Kasper Wikestad is happy with all the “support” messages it has received, but at the same time is aware that it is mainly about something else:

– If you overcome cancer, it is not about how hard you fought. It’s mostly about luck and bad luck. If you control yourself, you can help your chances of being lucky.

He was in the hospital for seven weeks and says he wasn’t sure if he would recover almost before he got the go-ahead to go home.

– Some of the most amazing people I have ever met in my life, I met them at the hospital, says Wikestad about the nurses, doctors and the other people it met.

For VG, Kasper Wikestad does not want to give more details about what it says in the program, beyond this:

– Nurses are among the pillars of support from society. They should be among the highest paid public employees in Norway!

– The cancer should have been operated on, I am glad I released the chemotherapy, says the TV 2 commentator.

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