– I know I’m still being provoked


Håkonsund knew Ari Behn well. In recent years he was also his manager.

– For a long time, Ari was the first person I spoke to in the morning, and the last person I spoke to at night, says Håkonsund on TV 2’s Presseklubben program.

The last time the two spoke was just before Christmas.


On Christmas day, while Håkonsund himself was on Christmas vacation at his home in Hammerfest, he received a phone call.

– Then I knew that Ari was dead and that he had taken his life. And then it turns into a mixture of shock and sadness.

Watch the strong video interview at the top of the case.

When Håkonsund spoke to Behn’s parents, they quickly agreed that it would be Håkonsund who would be the family’s spokesperson, and would spread the news of the death.

It was also clear that they should be open about what had happened; that Behn had taken his life.

– I realized this was going to be great national news. Needless to say. But it’s not that big, he says.


The manager, who is now editor of the iFinnmark newspaper, started the round of people he knew before on NRK and TV 2.

– All the people with whom I was in contact were very professional. And they handled this in a very respectful way.

But just minutes after the news was released, he tells of the questions he answers today.

– Someone started digging right away. I feel like I’m being provoked only when I talk about it, he says and continues:

– There were editors in the main newspapers who began to ask about the method and the search for details. And it’s the details that we both know the media will never mention. Therefore, it cannot be used at all.

Goodbye: A full-fledged Oslo Cathedral farewell to Ari Behn on Friday, January 3
TOK COLOR: A full-blown farewell to Oslo Cathedral on Friday, January 3. Photo: Lise Åserud / NTB Scanpix


On Friday, January 3, the whole of Norway said goodbye to Ari Behn. The Oslo Cathedral was filled to the brim, and hundreds of thousands of Norwegians followed the funeral on television.

Finally, too, Håkonsund was given time to process his own pain.

– I’m still incredibly fond of Ari. And not a day goes by that I don’t think about him.

The press club is sent every Friday at. 17.30 on TV 2 News channel and Sunday at. 22.45 on TV 2. You can also watch the program when you want to free on TV 2 Sumo.
