I had to move to a score of parties in Trøndelag


– We have not disclosed any infringement of infection control rules in relation to about twenty people in Trøndelag last night, says Trøndelag police operations manager Trond Volden.

The parties have been organized around Trøndelag, most of them near the center of Trondheim city. When the police arrived at the scene, it turned out that the people were within the rules on the number of people gathered and that the infection control rules were followed.

Yesterday, the Trøndelag police district announced that it has tightened the rules on quarantine and infection control violations, with fines of a maximum of 20,000 crowns per. case. This is similar to what several other police districts announced the day before.

According to the police, it now seems that people have started to realize how many can be gathered in one place and to relate to this.

No reports were issued or fines imposed on Sunday evening as a result of an infection control breach in Trøndelag.

– He’s been in in terms of numbers and such. The messages have been about the noise of the parties in the form of noise and loud music. People are in with the number of people, so infection control rules must be observed, says operations manager Trond Volden.

Various police districts report that people are good with infection control rules

The Oslo police have had a busy night. They were notified of more than thirty parties and moved to half of them. No one should be reported for violating infection control rules, according to the Oslo police.

Finnmark Police also received several inquiries about party noise from private addresses from evening to Sunday. The police were on the scene and ordered the party participants to keep the noise level low. Finnmark police ended a party, they write on Twitter.

During the night, West Police District Police received nine reports of loud music or party noise. In eight of them, five or fewer people gathered. At a party in Askøy, seven people gathered. The party is over, the police report.

In Agder, the police have also received several reports of loud music and disturbed nighttime peace at private addresses. Some have been ordered to pay attention to their surroundings, but Agder police have not had to give any reaction related to violations of infection control rules.

Create a case after a party at Skedsmokorset

The Eastern Police District reports Sunday morning that there have been several violations of the Infection Control Act in the Eastern Police District. Among other things, the police went to a private party with more than thirty participants in Skedsmokorset. They have created a case for everyone who was present at the party.

– It’s absolutely incredible that you organize these types of events during a pandemic when authorities have been so clear, says Operations Manager Tom Sandberg in the Eastern Police District.

Innlandet Police Praise Audience

Inside, it has been a quiet and peaceful weekend for the police, and Operations Manager Kjartan Waage takes the opportunity to praise the public for abiding by infection control rules.

– People are probably concerned both about the infection and about the measures that have been put in place, says COO Kjartan Waage in the Inland Police District.
