I can only ask Lan Marie Berg (ODM) two questions:


Oslo Councilor for Environment and Transport Lan Marie Berg (ODM) is due to attend a hearing at City Hall on Friday.

Here you must answer questions about the total of 260,000 violations of the Work Environment Law that have been discovered in the municipality of Oslo.

The crimes have occurred particularly in the waste management agency, which reports to Lan Marie Berg, and in the nursing home agency.

It is the Popular Action No to More Tolls (FNB), which together with the Conservatives and the Green Party has taken the initiative of the consultation. The FNB is now reacting strongly to the timetable that has been set.

One hour for Lan

– The hearing lasts six hours. But only one hour has been reserved for Lan Marie Berg, who is the acting and responsible city councilor. We can only ask you two questions. It was we, along with the FRP and the Conservatives, who requested this hearing on February 14 of this year. We did this to clarify a number of questions after PWC’s very comprehensive report. So we think this is too little, FNB Oslo leader Bjørn Revil tells Dagbladet.

He believes that both the city council and they would have bought more time.

– We want to hold a hearing to have the greatest possible clarity of the conditions of the report, it is very critical and we believe that she should have more time and opportunity to respond, both on her part and on our part, says Revil.

She says they want to clarify to what extent she is responsible for what happened, to what extent she has communicated with her agency leaders, and to what extent Berg, or the underlying agency managers, are responsible for the mistakes that have been made. .

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– It’s also important for us to get to the bottom of how early you learned about this culture, says Revil.

In addition to Berg, former Oslo councilor for the elderly, health and employment Tone Tellevik Dahl (Labor Party) must also respond during the hearing. Former and current finance councilors Eirik Lae Solberg (H) and Einar Wilhelmsen (MDG) must do the same.

In addition, Hans Petter Karlsen, Director of the Renewal and Recycling Agency, Helge Jagmann, Director of the Norwegian Nursing Home Agency and Roger Dehlin, Director of the Oslo Trade Union.

The consultation is based on investigations by the Municipal Audit and PwC, who also meet to answer questions about their findings.

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Reject the problem

The leader of the Finance Committee in Oslo, Frode Jacobsen (Labor Party), rejects the issue.

– I think that Bjørn Revil here creates a problem from something that is not or will be a problem. We build on the experiences we have with previous audiences and also audiences at the Storting and we believe that this is more than enough time. From experience, parties often wonder a bit about the same thing, Frode Jacobsen tells Dagbladet.

Remember that FNB has also requested that more than Berg should attend during the hearing, and that the responsibility does not lie only with the city council for the environment and transport, despite the fact that the unfolding of the case began here.

– It is the whole complex that will be under the microscope. Finansbyråd Einar Wilhelmsen has overall responsibility here, and they only reserve another 20 minutes for him. No one has troubled it, says Jacobsen.

It says that it has also been taken into account that the parties who have taken the initiative of the hearing are likely to have more questions. The distribution of speaking time is also based on group size.

During the interrogation of Lan Marie Berg, 15 minutes have been reserved for the Conservatives, 10 minutes for the FNB, 10 minutes for the FRP, 7 minutes for the Labor Party and 3 minutes for the other parties.

– Of course, you spend five minutes presenting your question, there will be little time, but short questions and answers are fine. FNB is a new party and it may not have been involved in this before, that may be the reason Revil is concerned, but our experience is that this will stick, says Jacobsen.

Frp agrees

But also FRP believes that there is little time.

– I would like us to have more time with the Environment and Transport Agency tomorrow. She is the councilor who appears in much of the breaches that have been discovered in the PWC report, the NRK disclosures and what has come from the municipal audit. She has also been a city councilor for five years and it is only natural that she can answer for more than the committee wants to ask, compared to Tellevik Dahl, who resigned last year and has not been in contact with work in the department of the. town hall. since then, says city council representative Lars Petter Solås (Frp).

It started under Berg

Last fall, NRK revealed that there have been at least a quarter of a million violations of the Work Environment Act since 2016.The case begins at the Energy Recycling Agency under Berg and came in the wake of the garbage scandal where the director of Veireno was sentenced to prison for violating the Work Environment Law.

In January, both Lan Marie Berg and the then health adviser Tone Tellevik Dahl (Labor Party) were criticized in a municipal audit report in Oslo for having poorly controlled violations of the Work Environment Law.

Lan Marie Berg was threatened with the distrust of the opposition. However, the Norwegian Labor Inspection Authority concluded in March that they were satisfied with the work done to clean up the Energy Recovery Agency part.

However, Lars Petter Solås does not rule out that a vote of no confidence may be relevant.

– We did not conclude before the hearing, but nothing has been removed from the table, he says.
