-I can be shot at any time


TV 2 has spoken with the Norwegian citizen on the phone while he is sitting in a small cell with 16 other men in Somaliland.

– Here they shoot you if they sentence you to death. There are ten policemen shooting at the same time. It can happen at any time. I need help from Norway, pleads Saad Jidre Hayd.

He lived in Norway for 25 years.

He is a Norwegian citizen and in April he went on vacation to Somaliland. It is a republic that declared its independence from Somalia in 1991.

There, the 54-year-old man believes he was attacked by a man who later died. He says he only defended himself. Saad Jidre Hayd has lived in Norway for 25 years and has a family in Oslo. On Wednesday he was sentenced to death by a Hargeisa city court.

The Norwegian-Somali is terrified when he talks to TV 2. He says that if they discover the phone, they will beat him and chain him with chains on the cell phone.

He still takes the opportunity to tell the Norwegian authorities what is happening.

Suddenly condemned to death

– I was arrested yesterday morning by armed police and took me to court. Neither my family nor my lawyer could be present. Suddenly, the judge said he was sentenced to death, Saad Jidre Hayd tells TV 2.

Farid Bouras from the Elden Law Firm assists the Norwegian citizen. He says the family in Norway is completely broken and calls for a stronger commitment from the Norwegian authorities.

– The rule of law and human rights do not exist in Somaliland. Now the Foreign Ministry must redouble its efforts and not accept such treatment from a Norwegian citizen, says Farid Bouras.

The Foreign Ministry tells TV 2 that they will return to the way they follow up on the death sentence in Somalialand.
