Hyttekommunen Hol tightens – limits the number of Christmas guests allowed – NRK Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio


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In recent days, nine people have been diagnosed with coronary heart disease in the municipality where the Geilo ski destination is located, according to Hallingdølen.

On Sunday, the municipality introduced a red level in kindergartens. Elementary schools were closed as of Monday, the cinema and library were closed and the municipality reduced the number of Christmas guests it can have to visit houses and cabins, from up to ten twice per Christmas to a maximum of five.

Measures were also introduced that could affect Christmas guests in hotels, such as the closure of spas and gyms.

Espen Bille-Larsen is demoted by the guests of the cottage who do not want to return to their own municipality.

Espen Bille-Larsen is an emergency consultant in Hol og Ål.

Photo: Caroline Bækkelund Hauge

– In Hol Township, now only five guests are allowed. I hope people understand that this is a special situation at the national level and that no excessive meetings have been planned in principle anyway, Hol og Ål emergency advisor Espen Bille-Larsen tells NRK.

– Everyone is welcome

– We ask for understanding. If we do not achieve control, we must tighten up with more measures, so everyone here must take responsibility, says Bille-Larsen.

He says that now people have to change their plans for the holiday celebration if they have invited more than ten people to the cabin or home.

– I hope there are not many reactions to this. I hope the people in the hut understand that we do this to limit the risk of infection in the municipality of Hol, explains Bille-Larsen.

The figures available to the emergency adviser show that on Sunday, December 20, there were 15,000 people in the municipality of Hol. Hol has 4,500 residents.

– If it’s a normal situation, at Christmas 30,000 to 40,000 people usually come, says Bille-Larsen before adding:

– Everyone is welcome to Hol. Hope you guys stick around and have fun within the guidelines. People will get the health services they need if they need them. We are prepared for many people to come.

Ustedalsfjorden address Vestlia Resort

Ustedalsfjorden direction Vestlia Resort.

Photo: Paul Lockhart

Be optimistic before the holiday celebration

Hol was one of the municipalities that expected a large influx of home tourists in late December.

Up to 6,000 vacation properties are within municipal boundaries and many here are known to want to use their cabins. A survey shows that almost all people with a cabin in the municipality should use the cabin during the winter. And more than 70 percent said they would use the cabin for Christmas.

Lillvi W. Hole, CEO of Visit Geilo.

Lillvi W. Hole, CEO of Visit Geilo.

Photo: Caroline Utti / NRK

– We are absolutely sure that a lot of people will come and we are anxious because we have a lot of space. At the same time, everyone should pay attention to each other and follow infection control rules, Visit Geilo General Manager Lillvi W. Hole told NRK before the new guidelines are introduced in the municipality.

Homemade tourists already in place

Winter has come to Hardangervidda, as have the first cabin tourists.

– We have already driven several with scooters. They bring food, gifts and a Christmas tree, so the scooter is completely full. Sometimes we have to make two trips to get everything, Inger-Brit Vindegg in Ustaoset could tell NRK before the municipality introduced new rules.

Inger-Brit Vindegg (right) shoots both cabin people and Christmas trees from Ustaoset train station.

Inger-Brit Vindegg (right) shoots both cabin people and Christmas trees from Ustaoset train station.

Photo: Caroline Utti / NRK

The survey that Visit Geilo has carried out, among all the leisure properties in the municipality, shows that almost everyone planned to use the cross-country trails in the area. Almost the same number were intended to put their alpine skills to the test.

Before the municipality of Hol introduced the new local regulations, the business community in the municipality worked hard. According to Hole in Visit Geilo, everything was arranged to receive between 15 and 20,000 extra visitors at Christmas.

Introduced bandages

In addition to Hol, both Gol, Ål and Hemsedal have introduced mandates for the use of face masks.

The order of bandages in Ål will be introduced from midnight to Tuesday until January 3.

– Beyond this measure, we currently have no plans to introduce stricter local restrictions. But we have to see what the pressure of infection is like day by day, says Mayor Solveig Vestenfor in Ål municipality.

Pål Rørby

Pål Rørby is the speaker at Hemsedal.

Photo: Asle Hella / NRK

Before the weekend, Hemsedal filed an order for the use of face masks where a distance of one meter cannot be maintained.

– Beyond that, we have no plans to extend the restrictions. But we continually consider this because things can change quickly, says Mayor Pål Rørby.

Expect a population multiplication when the people from the cabin arrive.

– Many of those who have huts carry with them the good habits of the city where they are used to keeping their distance and wearing bandages, says Rørby.

Nesbyen Municipality informs NRK that they will also introduce an order for sanitary napkins.

sms from the municipality of gol
Photo: screenshot
