Hyllestad now has 100 times the Red Infection Level – NRK Vestland


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Tracking the infection shows that all cases can be traced back to the Havyard shipyard or close contacts with workers at the shipyard.

The shipyard with around 400 employees was closed this week due to the infection situation. The same goes for school and kindergarten.

Together with Stamina, the Sunnfjord municipality and the local population in the health service, many have been tested in the last 4-5 days, also this weekend. All samples from residents of the local community have been negative.

The definition at the red level is that there are more than 20 with proven infection among 100,000 inhabitants. When 36 corona infections have been detected in Hyllestad, which only has around 1,400 residents and 300 temporary shipyard employees, this means an average of 210-250 infections per 100,000 residents.

Therefore, Hyllestad has more than a hundred times more infections than the cut-off for red infection levels.


On Saturday night, 15 infected shipyard workers arrived by bus at the City Box Bergen Hotell in Danmarksplass, which has established itself as the ‘crown hotel’ in the Bergen municipality.

Coronal infection from Hyllestad to Bergen

TO BERGEN: 15 of those infected from Hyllestad arrived in Bergen on Saturday night by bus, to live in isolation at the corona hotel in the municipality of Bergen.

Photo: Anders Nøkling / NRK

To ensure the isolation of some of those who tested positive, the municipality has received assistance from the municipality of Bergen. Hyllestad is now in dialogue that more of the new infections will also be able to live in isolation in the crown hotel of the Bergen municipality.

“We hope that things go well and we are grateful for the help we received from the Bergen municipality,” he says in a municipality press release Sunday afternoon.

Expect even more infection

The number of positive samples on Saturday was lower than expected, but is due to the fact that no more results came in until Sunday. Testing continues until everyone in Havyard has been screened and the municipality expects more positive results.

“The latest test results confirm that we have a good overview and control of the outbreak, and we are optimistic regarding the development of the infection,” the municipality wrote in the press release.

The municipality thanks the residents for loyally supporting infection control measures and respecting quarantine regulations.

“Together, we have managed to keep the infection to a minimum.”

Mayor: – No extra local measures

Mayor Kjell Eide isn’t entirely surprised by the many new positive test results.

– We feared it, so it wasn’t entirely unexpected. And we do not look away from the fact that there will be more Mondays, because many have put themselves to the test this weekend.

So far, about 300 have tried it. Therefore, more than 10 percent have been diagnosed with the infection. The plan is to test the rest of the shipyard’s 400 employees on Monday.

Compared to the population, the situation in Hyllestad, for example, is 20 times worse than the outbreak in Bergen earlier this fall.

Eide trur more than 200 is not in quarantine. But the municipality does not plan additional restrictions for residents.

– Someone from outside has said that entry and exit in Hyllestad should be denied. It’s getting too violent so I decided not to. To close an entire society so that it is not allowed to enter or leave, I do not want in any case. So it should be serious, but it works as I see it now quite normal, except that the playground and the school are closed, says the mayor.

Shipyard Director: – Seriously

The daily camp in Havyard, Erlend Hatleberg, will not comment on Sunday on the situation where the number of infected workers has risen sharply.

He said on Saturday that he has been busy the last few days in the form of working with covid-19.

– Are you surprised by the range?

– Yes, in a way we are. We see that it is quite extensive and it is a serious matter. A pandemic is a situation that we are not used to. We try our best according to the guidelines we have received.

– How did the infection get into the yard?

– We have no idea about that. The only thing we focus on now is infection control, infection measures, and trying to get the best possible overview of the situation. It is clear that the infection spreads through contact surfaces and through the air. And no matter how good we are at infection control, it also depends on who is serious about infection control.

Are the diving guidelines good enough and in accordance with your guiding powers?

– Yes, in the sense that we try to keep up with what the government earns. So the challenge is whether we can practice it well enough every day, Hatleberg told NRK on Saturday.
