Hundreds of people stood together to watch Trump speak from the White House – VG


WASHINGTON, DC (VG) Donald Trump held his first public event since becoming infected with the coronavirus. Two thousand people are said to have been invited to watch him speak from the balcony of the White House.

President Donald Trump spoke to the people at 8:00 p.m. Norwegian time for the first time after being infected with the coronavirus.

Two thousand people have been invited to see the president, a source close to the event tells CNN. It’s unclear exactly how many were present, but photos and video from the site show hundreds of supporters cheering together on the lawn in front of the White House. Some with face masks, many without.

– On behalf of myself and the first lady, this has been an incredible turnout. Our country must fight this cruel “virus from China,” Trump said from the balcony.

Nakstad: Not in line with Norwegian advice

The event provokes reactions. At least 15 people tested positive for the coronavirus after a ceremony in Rosehagen at the White House last Saturday.

VG asked Deputy Health Director Espen Nakstad what he thinks about infection control measures during the speech.

– Not quite in line with the Norwegian infection control councils, although it seems that more Americans wear bandages now than before when gathering for election campaign events, Nakstad writes in an SMS to VG.

The theme of the speech was “Law and Order”, and protests across the country after George Floyd’s death. Trump’s speech is officially tied to his presidency, rather than the election campaign, the BBC writes.

– I want to thank everyone this afternoon, for some great colors. Where did you get the great colors? “I want to wear one of them instead of a white shirt,” Trump continued.

– I have done more for blacks than any other president of the United States.

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Trump: – Don’t be afraid of covid

Among the attendees was Candace Owens, a pro-Trump black political activist and communications chief for the conservative organization Turning Point USA, along with her controversial conservative group “Blexit,” all dressed in blue T-shirts.

Owens has said that he wants to “liberate” black women from Democratic control and urges them to follow the new “Blexit” movement.

Tested again

In the days before Donald Trump tested positive for the virus, the president and several people in his election campaign participated in meetings and events in various parts of the country. Several Trump and White House affiliates have been confirmed to be infected.

The president was hospitalized until Monday. His advice to the nation after three days in the hospital was that they do not have to fear the covid. “Don’t let it rule your life,” Trump wrote on Twitter.

Trump and his administration have faced criticism for handling the pandemic, as well as a lax approach to mask wearing and social distancing in the White House, and in recent days, confusing reports about how ill the president has been.

REVIEW: Hundreds of people showed up in front of the White House on Saturday to see President Trump speak. Photo: MANDEL NGAN / AFP

In an interview with Fox News that aired Friday night, Trump said he has been retested for coronavirus, but has not yet received the results, and that he feels great.

– I was tested again and I know I am on the lower end of the scale or completely healthy, Trump said, adding that he no longer takes medication for the virus.

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Trump on coronavirus: – A blessing from God I have it

“The president is doing a great job speaking directly to the American people, without the filter of the established media,” Trump’s campaign manager Hogan Gidley told Fox News on Saturday.

– There will be more announcements about more upcoming events, because the president will be out there.

– In missesmittehendelse

In an interview with CBS on radio National Institute of Health Director Anthony Fauci says there was undoubtedly a massive infection incident at the White House last week.

In the interview, Fauci talks about how he has recommended the use of masks for at least six months.

BACK: President Donald Trump returned to the White House on Monday after receiving treatment for the coronavirus. Photo: KEN CEDENO / POOL / POLARIS POOL

– We found that 40 to 45 percent have no symptoms, and those people are a large proportion of people who actually infect others. So the main part of the recommendation is that everyone should wear masks, all the time.

Journalist and CBS, Steven Portnoy asks Fauci over the White House has been good enough to wear masks.

– The figures speak for themselves, we have had a massive infection event in the White House. They were in a situation where people were very close together and did not wear masks.

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