– How to swing on a slack line


After increasing pressure from infections and more hospitalized patients in recent days, Uppsala University Hospital has increased its staff and expanded the number of available places. This is what the chief doctor of the infection department, Fredrik Sund, says to the SVT morning study.

– Now we have reached about 25 patients who are in. It’s exactly like one of my employees said yesterday: It feels like I’m balancing on a slack line, or like a bomb is going to explode anytime in the future, says Sund.

He tells the channel that he is concerned about the development of the last few weeks and that they are struggling to reach some groups of people with information.

- No other wave

– No other wave

– It can cause serious problems

You are concerned that it may get worse in a few weeks.

– Then we can have serious problems with the restructuring of the health system again. It doesn’t take many steps before there can be real problems, Sund says.

Sund cares especially for young people in their 20s and 30s, and especially for students.


Criticized Tegnell - escaped from Sweden

Criticized Tegnell – escaped from Sweden

This weekend the clubs in the Stureplan party area in Stockholm opened after being closed for a long time.

It seems it was difficult. Photographs of nightclubs show crowded dance floors and people who have apparently forgotten all infection control measures.

Aftonbladet has shown Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven some of the photos from the party.

– Go to tight parties, which run the risk of increasing the spread of the infection … No, it is not smart. You should not go or organize this type of party, the prime minister tells the newspaper.
