How to check the reflection


According to Trygg Trafikk, only one in four always uses the reflex, even though 8 out of 10 think it should have been a reflex order. The people of Oslo are the worst in the class.

At the same time, Standard Norway states that many of us probably walk with reflections that do not work, and that reflections in this way can provide false security:

– One thinks that the reflection is reflection. It’s bogus security, says UP manager Steven Hasseldal.

And as experts have previously told Dinside: If you think they see you, but aren’t, it may be more dangerous than if you know they don’t. Simply because you make other decisions and behave differently in traffic, depending on the conditions you think you have.

In 2019, six pedestrians were run over in the dark. Five of them were not very visible in the traffic chart, according to UP figures.

These reflexes can be life threatening.

These reflexes can be life threatening

Check your reflexes

There are minimum requirements for reflectors to be able to sell them in Norway. They must be CE marked and a user manual must be included.

The CE mark must be followed by a number that shows which standards they meet, for reflective products it is EN 13356 or EN 1150.

But according to Stig A. Schibbye, at Reflexconsult consultancy, there are many actors who try to deceive consumers by printing the CE mark on reflectors that do not follow the standards.

– To be safe, you should always look for a letter or instructions that come with the reflector you bought, says Schibbye.

– Low shoe fooling around when it comes to marking reflectors as safe. The reason is that ignorant buyers buy reflections from overseas scrap manufacturers. Using a non-standard reflex is like rolling dice, you risk your own safety, says Schibbye.

Schibbye has previously warned about reflectors that are sold and CE marked as toys, but later do not meet the requirements for reflectors.

In the video above you can see how to check your reflections.

Some reflexes completely fail a big test.

Some reflexes completely fail a big test.

Reflection is cool

According to Swedish studies, reflectors have a limited lifespan, and the Swedish Highway Administration says that ordinary reflectors have a lifespan of three years.

The types of wear to which the reflection is exposed can affect the life of the reflection:

This may be due to wear in washing washable reflective vests or wear after rubbing and scratching that occurs as a result of the reflector lying flat and hitting other things and belongings in your pocket or purse.

Facts about reflection

Without reflector, you are only visible at a distance of 25-30 meters, with a reflector, you are visible at a distance of 140 meters when the car uses the low beam. With the high beam, the driver can see you at a distance of 400 meters.

The risk of being hit in the dark is reduced by 85 percent.

In densely populated areas, a motorist driving with a low beam at 50 km / h has 2 seconds to detect it and react if he does not use a reflex. With reflex, the motorist has 10 seconds.

(Source: Standard Norway)

Take the flashlight test now!

We show you how in the video, but here is the recipe for the flashlight test:

  • Hang a new reflector and several old ones next to each other at eye level and turn off the light.
  • Take a flashlight on the tip of your nose and turn on the searchlights. This simulates the experience that a driver has.
  • If the light is reflected, the reflection works. If the light reflects worse off the old than the new, you can throw it away.