how to arrange dinner, dishes, and gift-opening


Christmas Eve will probably be one of the days when people take the opportunity to meet more people than they normally know. The Norwegian authorities have opened up for ten people plus the household to meet two days in the period from Christmas to New Years.

TV 2 has asked two experts how the Christmas dinner, the subsequent washing and the opening of the gift should be carried out, both to avoid infections and for a more than thorough management.

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This is how you can place the guests

The experts with whom TV 2 has spoken have stressed that the most important thing is a good distance, good hygiene and not to show up if you get sick first:

– We understand that it is especially boring just at Christmas, but then we have to find other solutions so that they have a nice Christmas. Maybe one can participate digitally? says Chief Physician Tone Bruun of the Department of Vaccine and Infection Control at the National Institute of Public Health (NIPH).

But when the Christmas dinner takes place, there are several things you can do, including serving the food itself:

– One tip is to place those who live together at one end of the table, while the visitors sit at the other end. Those who live together can sit closer together. It is not necessary to have a meter between everyone, but to ensure a little more distance between each family, says Ahus head of infection control Silje Bakken Jørgensen.

He also believes that it is advisable to avoid food sitting in front of the table, because then there could be drops on it. He also doesn’t think sending food from hand to hand is a good idea.

– It may be smart to have a table for you where you stock up, or have someone have the responsibility of putting the food. It’s okay to put the same spoon to serve, as long as everyone using the same can use hand rub.

MORE MEASURES: Silje Bakken Jørgensen from Ahus says there are several simple steps you can take to protect yourself against infection on Christmas Eve.

MORE MEASURES: Silje Bakken Jørgensen from Ahus says there are several simple steps you can take to protect yourself against infection on Christmas Eve. Photo: Photo: Silje Holtan Enghaug / TV 2

Jørgensen adds that if you are looking for a specific person to take care of the food, you should not talk while this is happening.

Chief Physician Bruun at FHI says the person should consider whether it is necessary to divide the food and equipment used by the house and guests, to avoid using the same equipment.

– If there are many, it may be a good idea to divide so that not everyone assumes the same things. Ensure good hand hygiene in any case, he tells TV 2.

How to fix dishes

– At the end of Christmas dinner, should the person who was washing wear a mask or gloves to avoid contagion?

– It is not necessary to wear gloves if you do not use them regularly when washing, as long as you have good hand hygiene. Don’t touch your face with dirty hands, it applies to everyone, not just those who wash themselves, says Bruun at FHI.

Jørgensen at Ahus supports that no additional equipment is necessary during dishes.

How to fix the gift opening

Ahus’s infection control doctor thinks it probably doesn’t make sense to make any extraordinary moves other than general advice at this year’s gift-giving opening, for example, have everyone just touch their gifts, or if you should have a person selected to deliver them.

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– It will be a bit modern. There is little chance of people who show no symptoms by touching the same things. If the person coughs and the nose runs, the chance is higher, but if this is not the case, there is nothing people should think about, he says.

Bruun at FHI says that the amount of space available affects what is the smartest thing to do when opening a gift, but that ultimately people need to find out for themselves:

If there are risk groups present, give them some more thought. Especially if people come from places with high infection pressure, then they should stay six feet from people in risk groups, he says.

Ventilate well

According to FHI, another important tool to reduce the risk of infection is, for example, installing the windows along the way:

– It is advisable to ventilate well and regularly. Outbreaks appear to occur to a greater extent in narrow, poorly ventilated rooms, Bruun says.

Agreed on alcohol

Additionally, FHI believes it would be prudent for people to have good access to hand sanitizer as well as clean towels / paper towels in the toilet.

– How does alcohol consumption influence the Christmas celebration and infection control?

– It will be more difficult for most people to follow the infection control advice after some alcohol intake. Therefore, it is advisable to be very careful with your alcohol intake, he says.

Deputy Director of Health, Espen Nakstad, agrees:

– It’s probably easier to keep the meter when the per thousand is low, as Bent Høie often says, tells TV 2.
