Hostage of Peter Madsen: – She has been through hell


When convicted murderer Peter Madsen threatened to leave prison on Tuesday, he had a pistol-like object with which he threatened an employee, a civil prison psychologist, to open the prison doors. The head of the Prison Association, Bo Yde Sørensen, says that she and the other employees are greatly affected by the incident.

– He has been left in a state of helplessness and we know that it is one of the things that hits the psyche the most afterwards. So she has been through hell. Everybody knows says to the Danish BT

Background: Convicted murderer Peter Madsen escaped from prison and was taken hostage

– I knew what came to him

According to the union leader, she was not subjected to physical violence.

– She knew very well what she came up with, so she was aware that it could be really serious.he tells the newspaper.

She must also feel guilty that she was the one who opened the doors to Madsen, even though it was under duress. Sørensen notes that he has no reason to feel guilty about this, and that everyone in prison behaved exactly as they should in such a situation.

You suspect you may have received help

Madsen was presented for custody in court Wednesday after the attempted escape from Herstedsvester prison, where he is serving a life sentence for the murder of journalist Kim Wall.

The Glostrup court decided that the court hearing should be held behind closed doors because it is suspected that the escape is planned in collaboration with one or more people.

He is also accused of threatening a prison official with a bomb. Outside the prison, he is also said to have threatened the prison officer with an object resembling a gun.

Madsen was only on the run for five minutes, police said Tuesday. No traces of explosives were found on the belt, and he is said to have dropped a copy of the weapon just before the police were to arrest him.
