Homeschooling for all primary school pupils in Lillehammer – NRK Innlandet – Local News, TV and Radio


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On Monday, a total of 72 people were infected with the virus. More than 500 are currently being tested. So far, one student has been confirmed infected today.

The outbreak is related to Lillehammer Upper Secondary School. But more people have also been infected in primary and secondary schools.

Parents, school staff and students have called for schools to close after the outbreak.

Now it has been decided that all the students of the nine elementary schools in the municipality will be home from tomorrow.

Unmanned greier

Tord Buer Olsen, who is the municipal director in Lillehammer Township, says one of the reasons for homeschooling now is because they manage to staff the schools.

Tord Buer Olsen

HOME EDUCATION: Tord Buer Olsen, who is the municipal director in Lillehammer, says schools should have offers for younger children if they need them.

Photo: Arvid Torsgard / NRK

– Many employees are in quarantine. We are also in a situation where we have had a big outbreak. It creates a lot of discomfort for quite a few towards Christmas, he says.

He still says they have a pretty good overview of the infection and where it came from.

Trond johnsen

PRELIMINARY RULES: The principal of the school, Trond Johnsen, says they are ready for the possibility of reintroducing homeschooling.

Photography: Anders Bakkerud Larsen / Anders Bakkerud Larsen

The principal of the school in Lillehammer, Trond Johsen, says they have our vision that this can be the case.

– We have tried the best we could that the education we have in school is easily translated into digital teaching. We have always been prepared and have thought that this can happen, he says.

Parental pressure

After many have been diagnosed with the infection and quarantined for the past week, many parents have called for schools to close.

Ingrunn Trosholmen, Mayor of Lillehammer, says this pressure is part of the reason for the new measures.

Ingunn Trosholmen (Labor Party)

NOT BY INFECTION: The mayor of Lillehammer says they are introducing measures, among other things, because many have wanted it. Not from infection.

Photo: NRK

– What influences the decision is, of course, a lot of comments that one wants it. But the most important thing for us is the municipalities around us that have introduced measures, so we harmonize with that, he says.

The school principal understands well the concerns of several of the parents.

– When we contract the infection in four of our schools, it is not difficult to understand that one is worried. But then it turns out that health authorities think my infection occurs in places other than school, says Trond Johnsen.

The mayor emphasizes that this is not done through infection control inspections.

– There is a difference in that. We have had regular contact with FHI and we are told to have measures that harmonize with the infection pressure one has. It’s an intrusive measure to close a school, so we’ve received feedback that it should be done when an infection has been proven, he says.

Does not close completely

Two of the nine schools, Hammartun and Røyslimoen, have already closed on Monday. This was because many of the teachers ended up in quarantine and had to teach from home.

Tord Buer Olsen emphasizes that schools do not completely close their doors to everyone.

– There will be an offer of supervision of children from first to fourth grade. We have some children with special needs and they can be supervised, he says.

You don’t know how long homeschooling will last.

– We still do not have a complete description of how many new infections have appeared. But on the last day we had a great deal. It is suitable for the disabled, says Buer Olsen.

Pedestrianized street in Lillehammer

CLOSING: All primary school pupils in Lillehammer will be home schooled starting tomorrow Wednesday.

Photo: Ole Martin Sponberg / NRK
