Høie says other municipalities should follow Oslo – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


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On Monday night, the Minister of Health, Bent Høie (H), convened Oslo and all the municipalities of the capital for a digital meeting on the level of measures in relation to the covid-19.

The meeting started at 8 p.m. and lasted just over an hour.

– Tonight we had a good meeting with Oslo and the surrounding municipalities. For several of these measures, municipalities around Oslo need to introduce them, Høie says Monday night.

– I have asked you to base your work on the Oslo package and I have asked you to coordinate. So that the inhabitants of this, which is a common region of life and work, experience that these are measurements that are connected, says Høie.

The mandatory use of bandages in public transport when there is congestion is one of the measures that Oslo has introduced.

Bærum positive at the same measurements

Bærum Municipality Mayor Lisbeth Hammer Krog says they had a constructive meeting with the Health Minister.

– Høie made it clear that he believes municipalities should coordinate the measures, and there was broad agreement on this during the meeting. We have an infection situation in Oslo, which means that we who are closest neighbors must have this approach, and we want that, Hammer Krog told NRK.

– The starting point of the measures will be the Oslo package of measures. We have two lanes to Oslo. Many bearings work in Oslo and vice versa. I fully support the use of face masks. It is important now that we have a charity in all municipalities, he adds.

Oslo has also introduced a temporary ban on indoor events with more than 50 participants without permanent seats. The mayor of Bærum says this is something the municipality will also consider together with Asker.

– Culture houses have fixed seats, so it is not covered by this rule. Our qualified professionals will now take a closer look at the various measures and return with advice to political parties, he says.

Nordre Follo Mayor Hanne Opdan says they will take a closer look at the measures that were presented at the meeting.

– We have not taken a political position on this, but personally I believe that Oslo has taken good measures that can help reduce the infection. It also applies that our inhabitants in our region have similar measures, at least when it comes to public transport, Opdan tells NRK.

He has invited the other mayors of Follo to a meeting on Wednesday to see if they can come up with a common solution.

Could override

On Monday, Councilor Raymond Johansen (Labor Party) presented new measures for Oslo, which will last until 13 October. After that, the city council will make a new evaluation.

– I would like to thank the Oslo City Council for presenting today a comprehensive package of measures, which we believe is good and sufficient to handle the current infection situation, says Høie.

This weekend, Høie said it could be relevant to invalidate the Oslo municipality if they did not follow the advice of the Norwegian Health Directorate. At a press conference on Monday, the minister repeated this. Johansen thought Høie had gone too far.

– I don’t think we’ve gone too far. We had a good dialogue all the way. Raymond has heard what I think about this and I am satisfied with the work that the Oslo City Council does, says Høie.

– I very much agree that it is an advantage that we avoid conflict, and I think that Oslo has presented a good package. I just said that if Oslo had not put together a sufficient package, we would have had the opportunity to propose measures at the national level. Fortunately, we can avoid that now, says Høie.

These are the measures that Oslo is introducing:

  • Force the use of bandages in public transport when it is not possible to maintain a distance of one meter.
  • Order to register guests in restaurants.
  • Temporary ban on indoor events with more than 50 participants without fixed seats.
  • Introduces the use of face masks in home nursing where distance cannot be maintained.
  • A new evaluation of the measures will be carried out after 14 days.
