Historically bad for the Labor Party in new poll


In the poll conducted for FriFagbevegelse, Dagsavisen and Avisenes Nyhetsbyrå, the Labor Party falls from support of 24.6 percent in August to 19.9 percent in September, writes FriFagbevegelse.

This is the lowest support Opinion has measured for the Labor Party since the polls began in 2007.

Party secretary Kjersti Stenseng believes that the recent unrest may have contributed to the drop in support.

– This is a very bad poll for the Labor Party. We have had a time with many internal disturbances and difficult problems. We know this affects voters and polls, Stenseng says.

ODM is the winner

Despite APS’s 4.8 percent decline from the previous survey, there is still a solid red-green majority in the survey. The Labor Party, the Socialist People’s Party and the Socialist People’s Party have yet to get the Reds or the MDGs to form a majority.

MDG is the big winner of the poll with an increase of 2.9 percentage points from August to 7.5 percent now.

Party support in percentage (variation from August in parentheses): Conservatives 27.0 (-0.7), Labor 19.9 (-4.8), Sp 16.0 (+0.9), Frp 10, 3 (+0.4), MDG 7.5 (+2.9), SV 6.9 (+0.8), Red 4.4 (+0.1), KrF 3.9 (+0.6) and Left 2.5 (-0.6).

Member escapes from work

After many problems related to the election of a new leader in the Trøndelag Labor Party, 503 people have resigned from the party.

This is confirmed by the communications manager Ingrid Langerud in the Labor Party to Nettavisen.

– Figures from Monday, August 24, inclusive, to Wednesday, September 2, inclusive, show that 503 people have signed up, he says.

In the same period, 184 people have joined the party.
