High summer in eastern Norway today, but north wind on the way – VG


SUMMER: Inland areas in eastern Norway may have high summers today, but western Norway is currently settling down. Photo: Håkon Mosvold Larsen

Get out in the sun if you are in eastern Norway! Meteorologists tweet about “a high summer day,” with highs in excess of 25 degrees in several places.

– So far we haven’t gotten that far, but temperatures are rising, says Espen Meteorological Institute duty officer Biseth Granan.

You are not entirely sure if the mercury will rise above 25 degrees.

– It will be exciting to see, says the state meteorologist.

The interior is warmer in Buskerud and Telemark, in cities such as Drammen, Hønefoss, Notodden and Gvarv. Coastal areas are cooled by the sea air.

The highest temperature measured in September in Drammen was 24.6 degrees in 2005.

– I don’t think September records will be broken, but temperatures in eastern Norway will be quite high, says Granan.

He believes Oslo will reach 22-23 degrees today.

Cooler Tuesday

– The explanation is hot air from the south of the continent. It’s not far from 30 degrees there.

But the meteorologist on duty prefers cold water in the blood of the Orientals.

– Tomorrow and later, we will have a different and cooler type of climate.

– Is it about enjoying summer today?

– It’s probably a fair conclusion, says Granan.

Meteorologists also have a greeting on Twitter for Westerners that is not so cheerful: Vestland and Rogaland rained buckets …

Strong north wind

– Western Norway is characterized more by rainfall today. Bergen has temperatures between 13 and 14 degrees. In northern Norway there are rains and just under 10 degrees, says Granan.

He is concerned about strong and intense low pressure running through central Norway on Wednesday.

– A fairly strong north wind follows over southern Norway on Wednesday. We can have 15-20 second meter gusts, which for eastern Norway is quite a lot, says Granan.

The Norwegian Meteorological Institute is considering issuing a wind warning.

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