High on developments in Denmark: –


In Denmark, the infection situation has deteriorated dramatically recently, with new infection records daily and dramatic warnings of 4,000 new infections the day before Christmas, if the trend is not reversed.

– What we see in Denmark now is a warning to us, says the Minister of Health to Dagbladet.

The horror chart

The horror chart

Hit hard

Since the second wave began to break out slowly but surely in European countries this fall, Denmark and Norway have had a fairly similar infection course. However, Denmark has responded and now has big trouble turning around. As a result, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen had to hit the brakes on Monday and introduce intrusive measures, such as sending school children home and closing restaurants and bars in 38 Danish municipalities.

WARNING: The Minister of Health and Sanitary Services, Bent Høie, warns that there is a risk that Norway will end up in the same situation as the Danes if we do not get the infection curve down enough.  Photo: Hans Arne Vedlog / Dagbladet

WARNING: The Minister of Health and Sanitary Services, Bent Høie, warns that there is a risk that Norway will end up in the same situation as the Danes if we do not get the infection curve down enough. Photo: Hans Arne Vedlog / Dagbladet
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The measures will initially last until January 3, while other national restrictions have been announced that will last through the winter.

– Denmark is one of the countries that is very similar to us. There has also been a slow increase in the number of infected, but now they are in a situation where they have not managed to break the curve. We’ve managed to break it down, but we still haven’t gotten down far enough, says Høie.

VACCINE: Health Minister Bent Høie makes the decision on the vaccination plans in Norway and explains how many vaccines we can get. Video: The government
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– risk

After stricter measures were introduced in Norway both at the national and local levels, infection rates have dropped in recent weeks. While the Danes recorded a record 2,150 new cases on Monday, Norway had 380 new cases. However, the infection situation in Norway is fragile and happens shortly before the curve goes the wrong way.

– Therefore, there is a risk that we will end up in the situation in Denmark and that we will not be able to reduce the infection sufficiently. Then there will be a high risk of sudden increases and the need for stricter measures, Høie warns.

That's why things are going badly in Denmark

That’s why things are bad in Denmark

Christmas can be contagious

He believes that the impending Christmas may lead development to go in the wrong direction in Norway.

– Christmas can make us end up in such a situation, if we do not have a good compliance with the measures. Our infection rates go down a bit, and if we each shrug a little and at the same time we are in a time when people appreciate being sociable and taking advantage of all the opportunities we have provided, then there is a danger that we will get out. of Christmas with even higher infection rates.

JUL: Bent Høie talks about what’s important to think about before this year’s Christmas celebration. Reporter: Frode Andresen. Video: Bjørge Dahle Johansen.
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Høie encourages people not only to think about what Christmas should be like, but also what situation it should offer the new year.

– Now people see that there are vaccines after Christmas, and then you might think that it is not so dangerous. But people should be aware that if we have an increase in infection, then it is the same people from the municipalities who will be in charge of vaccination. Therefore, an increase in infection can also affect the ability to carry out vaccination, says the Minister of Health.
