Here’s how the crisis pack will help students – VG


BILLION: Minister for Research and Higher Education Henrik Asheim has a billion crowns for this year’s crisis package. They will target students affected by the corona pandemic. Photo: Vidar Ruud

The government is proposing a new supplemental loan for students, but this time they can turn more of the money into scholarships. In total, they will spend NOK 1.1 million on measures for students.


The case is being updated

The strict infection control rules have hit students hard. Some have lost their jobs, but all have in common that they have spent too much time alone in the dorm with digital lectures and few social activities. Therefore, the package for students that we present today contains measures as a solution to all these challenges, says Minister for Research and Higher Education Henrik Asheim (H) in a press release

The government proposes the following measures for students:

  • Additional loans through the Loan Fund for students who have lost income from work. 40 percent can be converted into a scholarship.
  • Strengthen NOK 50 million student organizations so they can hire students who will provide social services to other students.
  • NOK 20 million for low threshold social offers for students.
  • The Mental Health students’ phone receives NOK 1.5 million from the budget of the Ministry of Health and Care Services
  • A temporary exception to the truancy requirement is made for the spring semester of 2021, which means you can stay home with parents and still convert your loan into a scholarship.
  • A temporary exemption from the income limit is granted throughout the year for students working in the health and care sector, police students and students who are ordered emergency work through the National Guard or the Defense Civil.

You can get more scholarships

Also in this year’s crisis package, the government proposes that students can get an additional loan of 26,000 crowns. 40 percent of this can be converted into a scholarship, as with a regular student loan. This corresponds to 10,400 NOK.

Last spring, students were able to convert NOK 8,000. The additional loan offer applies to students and adult students in high school who can document loss of income as a result of the pandemic in the period of June 16, 2020 and June 15, 2021.

The students are happy with the package.

– The crisis package, which is mainly very good. It hits much wider than the previous one. “We are very happy that the students were listened to,” Andreas Trohjell, leader of the Norwegian Student Organization (NSO) tells VG.

He believes that the government proposals affected many students.

Photo: Skjalg Bøhmer Violence

Demands of the parliamentary majority

In early January, parties Ap, Sp, SV and Frp agreed on a new student crisis package worth one billion crowns.

During the crown crisis, the financial situation has become critical for many students. New students who started in the fall of 2020 are also affected.

Now the government has decided. On Friday, they presented how the money from the crisis package will be distributed.

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Responding to the student crisis package: – How to give the unemployed a credit card

THE STUDENTS: Student organizations demand that the crisis package be more comprehensive. From left to right Morgan Alangeh at ANSA, Andreas Trohjell at the Norwegian Student Organization and Wictor Østvand Jensen at the Norwegian Vocational School Student Organization Photo: Henning Skau

Made demands

Student organizations made several demands before this year’s crisis package was unveiled. In recent months, they have provided information to the government. Some of what they wanted was:

  • Higher percentage of scholarships
  • Support for more students
  • Support for jobless freshmen

The previous crisis package was criticized. When it was first introduced, there were harsh reactions from both politicians and students.

More than NOK 600 million of the money set aside was not used. The amount was the same as this year, one billion crowns. Large parts were distributed as loans.
