Here’s how tactics can make a difference:


In a short time we will get the answer. Will there be four new years with Donald Trump or do the American people want something new and go for Joe Biden?

Democrat Biden has long had a stable lead in the polls, but the week before the election, Trump is taking some solid steps toward his rival.

The latest TV 2 poll shows that Biden’s lead has dropped from 7.2 percentage points to 5.8 in just two days.

– This is quite dramatic and means that the race may be more open than we have seen so far, says Terje Sørensen, TV 2 election analyst.

– can’t have it

And with just a few days to decide, Donald Trump has turned on the turbo. Despite strict coronary restrictions, the president gathers thousands of voters and holds several rallies daily.

FAMOUS STYLE: Donald Trump at one of his many rallies in recent days.

FAMOUS STYLE: Donald Trump at one of his many rallies in recent days. Photo: Evan Vucci

This is in stark contrast to what his opponent Joe Biden is doing.

Before Biden and Trump met for the final debate last week, the US media wondered if the Democrat had gone into hiding.

Works digitally

And in the final week before the election, there is little indication that Biden is running from state to state to collect votes.

– Joe Biden’s biggest threat is Covid. He can’t get it, “Mason-Dixon pollster Brad Coker told Politico.

– If Biden gets Covid, his candidacy and his narrative, by staying safe by keeping his distance from wearing a face mask, will explode completely.

DIFFERENCE: Joe Biden under one of his

DIFFERENCE: Joe Biden during one of his public “drive-in” meetings. Photo: Andrew Harnik

On Monday of this week, Biden was forced to defend his schedule, emphasizing that he has several trips planned in the coming days.

– I will travel to Iowa, Wisconsin, Georgia, Florida and maybe other places, Biden said.

The Democrat also emphasizes that much of his work is done digitally.

– We have not had a single day that has not lasted 12 hours.

Prepare yourself even more

Politico writes that Donald Trump has had 48 events in the last 40 days. This includes the time you were hospitalized with COVID-19.

The president also visited several cities in one day.

During the same period, Biden has had 37 events.

– The president holds public meetings every day and will increase it even more. It won’t surprise me if we see five or six events a day before we’re done, Tim Murtaugh, a spokesman for Trump’s campaign tells the newspaper. writer Sigrid Rege Gårdsvoll tells TV 2 that Biden has a more restrictive style precisely because he so strongly criticizes the way Trump deals with infection control rules.

“It’s not sure that he would have to be that careful, but he’s trying to model a clear contrast to Trump,” he says.

– Reclined attitude

Rege Gårdsvoll emphasizes that both sides believe this contrast works for them, highlighting a recent Trump campaign publicity film showing Biden on his way to an election meeting with 30 people in a circle of infection, as Trump arrives by helicopter in front of a massive crowd.

– Can Biden lose the fact that he is more restrained and restrictive than Donald Trump?

– Maybe. But it has worked for him so far. He has had a laid-back attitude throughout the election campaign, so infection control measures fit in well with the tactics he has chosen, says Rege Gårdsvoll.

She believes we are too close to the election for Biden’s tactics to have much of an impact.

– If we had been further away from the elections and he had started to receive criticism, it might have been good to change that. But as it is now, there is no reason for anything in particular to change.

Historically large sums

American TV 2 commentator Eirik Bergesen believes it is a common misconception that Biden is sitting too quiet on the boat.

– He is on tour a lot and travels around him a lot, but he always drowns in the Trump circus, because he has such a tremendous ability to capture the agenda and say and do exactly what it takes to get the big headlines, Bergesen says.

STEALING HEADLINES: American commentator Eirik Bergesen believes that Donald Trump is an expert at stealing headlines from Joe Biden.

STEALING HEADLINES: American commentator Eirik Bergesen believes that Donald Trump is an expert at stealing headlines from Joe Biden. Photo: Ingvil Teige Stiegler

The American commentator notes that Biden spends historically large sums, and more than Donald Trump on commercials.

– If you live in the US, and especially in an inclined state, you see Biden on TV every day, says Bergesen, adding:

– A Trump narrative is that Biden is sitting at home in the basement living room and is scared to go out due to the crown and critical questions.
