Here’s how Oslo will increase testing capacity – VG


BRYN (VG) The municipality of Oslo has struggled to meet the national requirements for coronate testability. The city council now believes that in the future they will be able to assess five percent of the population per week.

Just two weeks ago, Oslo had the capacity to assess 1.5 percent of the population, the proportion of Norwegian health authorities believe that is sufficient to meet current needs.

At the same time, the Norwegian Health Directorate expects municipalities to be equipped for a testing capacity of up to 5 percent if necessary.

Last week, the test capacity in Oslo was 2.6 percent, but the city council believes they could meet.

– The municipality of Oslo now has a contingency plan that allows testing the five percent. The likelihood of such a need arising is small, says health agency Robert Steen (Labor) during a news conference Tuesday afternoon.

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Together with Councilor Raymond Johansen, Steen presents a plan on how the municipality of Oslo will be able to assess five percent of the population (35,000 people) a week.

– To avoid a new closure of the society, we will plan comprehensive tests to identify and isolate those infected with the coronavirus, and operate an effective infection detection to quarantine close contacts, says Johansen.

Four new test centers

The municipality will establish four new testing centers in the coming weeks and the municipality Health Agency proposes that this be done in the following locations:

  • Bryn Fire Station
  • Lindern – Gate 10 by Armauer Hansens
  • Skullerudstua exit car park
  • Groruddalen (location not yet determined)

It will relieve the health service

The plan also means that other people besides health personnel can perform the tests. In this way, the health services will function more normally regardless of the tests in the municipality of Oslo.

Just two weeks ago, capacity in the capital was around 0.7 percent. Then the city council promised to double it in a week or two.

– The capacity has been exhausted. What has been missing?

– We have extended the opening hours, there are more people and more test sites. We are now well above what is recommended by health authorities, says Johansen.

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