Here’s how Joe Biden will handle the corona pandemic – VG


LA VICTORIA: After many days, the result is clear: Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States. Photo: ANGELA WEISS / AFP

One of Joe Biden’s first and biggest challenges will be dealing with the growing pandemic in the country. On Sunday night, Biden revealed several plans.

On Sunday night, Joe Biden delivered his first speech as the incoming president of the United States.

In his speech, the president promised the American people that he would take more action to try to fight the coronavirus.

Current President Donald Trump has received harsh criticism for several months for his handling of the pandemic. Early in the pandemic, he said, among other things, that the media inflated the pandemic and “did everything possible to scare people.”

Throughout his presidential campaign, Biden has tried to reverse this rhetoric. He has repeatedly assured Americans that he will take the corona virus very seriously.

During his speech Sunday night, he emphasized this promise.

Already on Monday an expert panel will be formed, which will prepare a plan to stop the spread of the virus, said the future president.

– The plan will be implemented on January 20, 2021, Biden said.

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– I will give everything to reverse this pandemic

Biden said his first and most important task would be to control the pandemic.

Biden further promised that his new crown plan will be based on solid facts, compassion, empathy and consideration.

– I will give everything to reverse this pandemic, said Biden.

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230,000 people have lost their lives for the crown in the United States. Biden said he wanted to show consideration for these families.

On Joe Biden’s campaign website, the incoming president has listed several points in his plan to fight the virus:

  • Free trials for everyone and better access to trials. Among other things, Biden will have at least ten “drive in” test centers in each state.
  • The American people will receive a daily factual update from the White House on how many tests have been conducted in the last 24 hours.
  • The development of a vaccine will be a high priority. The vaccine will be administered to the population free of charge and Biden will provide personnel and facilities available for vaccination.
  • Financial support for all people who report ill as a result of the pandemic.
  • Economic support for affected workers, families and small businesses.
  • The cost of corona treatment should be reduced. Biden will ensure that everyone in need receives treatment.
  • Nozzle orders will be considered nationally.

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– I want to speak to the governor of each state and ask them to impose bandage orders. If they refuse, I will go to the speakers in each city. That way, we can introduce a nationwide sanitary napkin order, Biden said in October.

In addition, the Biden campaign is inscribed your website that it is time to “stop the political theater and misleading information that has led to confusion and discrimination.”

Biden will appoint leading researchers and healthcare professionals, who will act as spokespersons during the corona pandemic.

All decisions made should be made by public health personnel, not politicians, according to Biden.

“I am prepared to do whatever it takes to save lives,” Biden told ABC in August.

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