Here Madsen flees


On Wednesday, Peter Madsen, sentenced to life in prison, admitted to threatening prison employees in connection with an attempt to escape from Herstedvester prison in Albertslund. Danish BT has now released new surveillance photos of the leak, which Dagbladet has obtained permission to show.

The prison raised the alarm about the escape attempt at 10:21 on Monday afternoon, and Madsen was already arrested at 10:26. In the new surveillance footage, you can see a minute and a half of Madsen’s time on the loose.

Initially, you can see Madsen walking fast down a bike path in blue pants, a black jacket, and a backpack. Then he can see a prison officer running after him.

EXPLAINED: Peter Madsen’s defender, Anders Larsen, met with the press in front of the Glostrup city court. Video: Ritzau
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I escaped

Madsen runs further into a parking lot, before he suddenly turns and runs in another direction. In the surveillance photos, you can see that the prison officer is right behind Madsen as he moves through a hedge. Then you can see that the officer stops hunting.

On Wednesday, Madsen appeared at a court hearing in Glostrup, outside Copenhagen. The court hearing was held behind closed doors because the police suspect that the escape attempt was planned in collaboration with one or more people. Madsen’s defender, Anders Larsen, stated that the client denies receiving help.

The one for life is charged, among other things, with threatening a prison psychologist and the driver of a white van in connection with the attempted escape.

RUN OVER: New photos from surveillance cameras show Peter Madsen escaping from prison. Journalist: Emilie Rydning. Video: BT.
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Great action

On Monday, a large police operation was started because Madsen was wearing something similar to a bomb belt and had a gun-like object. Thus, both the bomb squad and the special forces were called to the scene, and the operation lasted about three hours.

The head of the prison, Hanne Høegh Rasmussen, has emphasized that the incident has been stressful for the employees who participated in the escape attempt.

Madsen is serving a life sentence after being found guilty of the brutal murder of Swedish journalist Kim Wall. Wall was invited to Madsen’s submarine to write a report on the inventor before she was killed and mutilated.
