Here it is snowing on saturday morning


The next two weeks are fall break for many. In much of southern Norway, it starts on paper on Monday.

For many of those who have already gone to the mountains, on Saturday morning it was snowing in the heights. The following image is from Gaustatoppen and was posted on Gaustabanen’s Facebook pages on Saturday morning.

– Minus 3 degrees, 16 m / s wind and snow at the top today, reports the site.

Click the pic to enlarge.  SNOW: - I was hoping it wouldn't come until after fall break.  But don't create any problems for us, Gaustabanen CEO Halvor Haukaas tells Telemarksavisa.

SNOW: – I was hoping it wouldn’t come until after fall break. But don’t create any problems for us, Gaustabanen CEO Halvor Haukaas tells Telemarksavisa.
Photo: (Gaustabanen)

24 hours before it was completely different:

Click the pic to enlarge.  CALM WIND: Friday morning was completely different at Gaustatoppen.

CALM WIND: Friday morning was completely different at Gaustatoppen.
Photo: (Gaustabanen)

Despite snowfall in some places, temperatures haven’t been particularly low considering October is approaching:

– There have been a lot of clouds, so the temperature has not been very low at night, says on-duty meteorologist Terje Alsvik Walløe to Nettavisen, but adds:

– There have been some local frosts in the interior and northern Norway. In southern Norway, you have to climb a bit to find negative degrees. Last night’s precipitation came as snow some distance from the mountain, says Alsvik Walløe.

On the way to his office in Oslo, however, he felt the slightly cool temperatures on Saturday morning, also at sea level:

– There are only eight degrees here. So it’s cool, it feels like the proper first day of fall, says Walløe.

Click the pic to enlarge.

SNOW: So it is in Valdresflya on Saturday morning.
Photo: (Norwegian Public Roads Administration)

Also read: Warning of danger of high wind and precipitation in southern Norway: Police ask boat owners to secure boats

The cold won’t last yet, promises:

– It will be milder in the coming days, this is the coolest day for the foreseeable future. Today it will be a maximum of 10 degrees in Oslo, but in the next few days we will probably look up to 15 degrees, but it depends on how much sun we get. If the sun rises, for example in Østfold, it can quickly rise to 17-19 degrees here on Monday.

Most of the precipitation clouds in eastern Norway cleared last night, Walløe says:

– Not much left, but Østafjells may still get a little rain early on Sunday.

Click the pic to enlarge.  SNOW COVER: Between 10-15 centimeters of snow in Vasstulan in the municipality of Uvdal.

SNOW COVER: Between 10-15 centimeters of snow in Vasstulan in the municipality of Uvdal.
Photo: Sindre Ånonsen

Also read: The meteorologist warns: – If you are going to spend the autumn holidays, you must be vigilant

The rest of the country is cheaper:

– Tomorrow there will be general stay time in almost the entire country. Western Norway, for example, will have good temperatures in the future. The warmest places can approach 20 degrees tomorrow and Monday.

Also read: Expect queues and poor driving: – Change tires if necessary

Soft air also blows further north in the country, especially in central Norway, while meteorologists on Twitter report that it can be cold in the far north of the country until Sunday night:

– Here there will be frosts in the inland areas, both in Troms and Finnmark, but also here it will be milder in the coming days. Northern Norway will have the best weather next week, along with central Norway, Walløe concludes.
