– Here a pure class distinction is introduced – VG


CRITICAL: Audun Lysbakken doesn’t understand why there is a difference between those who own and rent a home. Photo: Ola Vatn / VG

SV leader Audun Lysbakken believes it is unacceptable that tenants have to go directly to quarantined hotels while homeowners escape. Ask the government to fix it immediately.

– Here a pure class distinction is introduced with differential treatment of owners and tenants. It’s completely unreasonable and unfounded, and it turns out it has no justification for infection control, Audun Lysbakken tells VG.

He refers to FHI’s query response to the Justice Ministry on Friday, where the department writes that there has been “a distinction between rented and owned housing for visitors who are not subject to infection control.”

The Bar Association believes that the entire plan should be scrapped.

The main rule is that everyone who is not a resident of Norway must be in quarantined hotels. One of the exceptions is for people who own a home in Norway.

– unacceptable

Lysbakken believes the government must immediately ensure that those who own and rent the rules for quarantined hotels are the same.

– Otherwise, the Storting will have to take matters into their own hands. It is unacceptable to use the crisis powers that the government has borrowed from the Storting to make a distinction between landlords and those who rent a place to live.

SV has previously tabled proposals in the Storting to amend the Infection Control Act so that government measures can be reviewed by elected representatives, for which they did not receive a majority.

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– How will you take matters into your own hands if the government does not follow up?

– Then we can present a new proposal. The quickest thing is if the government realizes this for itself. When the government insists that they feel alone in power, they must show that they can change course quickly.

Lysbakken believes that the difference between owning and renting is contrary to common sense and fears that this could go beyond the support of the measures.

– It is precisely those rules that are perceived as irrational that can make people lose their patience and that the measures lose legitimacy in the population. It would be catastrophic for the development of the infection.

Ministry: Considering changing the distinction

Secretary of State Lars Jacob Hiim (H) from the Ministry of Justice says they are considering this particular change, but will not say when they will possibly change the rule:

– We will analyze if there is any type of lease that allows you to be in quarantine in the home you rent.

The consultation period for the regulatory authority’s proposal for residency requirements during the entry quarantine expired on Friday.

– We have received a large number of consultation statements that we are now reviewing in the work of preparing a bill. The Ministry aims to send the regulation for consultation in a short time.

– Why not do it immediately, before the consultation round is considered, when the criticisms from FHI and others are so clear?

– We are now at a crossroads in which the decisions we make in the future will be decisive for the development of the infection and for the infection control measures that we will have. No infection control measure will last longer than necessary. We continually assess the need for changes in quarantine hotel regulations in light of the development of the infection situation and experiences with the scheme.

The Labor Party sent questions about border control

The Storting representative Tuva Moflag in the Labor Party sent questions to Monica Mæland after the VG case that several people fled directly from Gardermoen airport without a check. He has asked if the Minister can ensure that everyone arriving from abroad has a conversation with a border controller and if measures will be taken to prevent air passengers from leaving the airport without further control.

To this, the ministry responds to VG that they are now working with responses to Moflag:

That said, everyone who is to be quarantined has a duty to quarantine in the correct way, regardless of border control. We must all contribute to the charity event. Violation of the quarantine obligation can be sanctioned.

– The police have cracked down on serious violations of the Infection Control Act and will continue to do so. Violations can lead to fines and even imprisonment. The most important task of the police is to prevent, also when it comes to violations of infection control legislation.

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