“Helsesista” sounds the alarm: – People say they will hold out until Christmas is over, then they won’t hold out anymore


On Tuesday morning, the government presented another new crisis package to companies and vulnerable groups for a total of NOK 17.7 billion.

The eighth consecutive crisis package contained, among other things, NOK 158 million for vulnerable groups and people affected by loneliness and isolation as a result of the corona pandemic.

Tove Gundersen, secretary general of the Mental Health Council, told TV 2 on Tuesday that although the package of measures has been extended, it is far from sufficient.

This is an opinion shared by Maria Krohn Engvik, better known as “Helsesist”.

– There are many important offers and measures that have received widespread support and increased funding, but if you separate them a bit, with ten million for students and distribute them among the number of students, then there will not be many crowns in each, he says she. TV 2.

– The entire population is vulnerable

“Helsesista” responds that the government places special emphasis on the fact that it is about supporting vulnerable groups.

– Who are the vulnerable groups? In my opinion, the entire population is a vulnerable group. I miss measures that should apply to everyone, he says.

Together with the Youth Mental and Mental Health organizations, “Helsesista” has proposed a specific measure to the government:

– We need a state-funded, low-threshold service that is comprised of health personnel with mental health expertise. Where everyone in need, regardless of where they live in the country, age and prior medical history, can get a short-term offer 5-10 times with phone or video follow-up, she says.

Ingebjørg (23): – The authorities cannot repair this after the pandemic

Since the pandemic broke out in Norway, Krohn Engvik has been contacted by people of all ages, who open up about the challenges of everyday life.

– People say that the lack of contact and closeness means that they no longer feel part of humanity, that they have developed such a strong social anxiety that they do not dare to answer the phone even when the family calls them, people report sick from the home office because it’s so difficult and people relapse into eating disorders, anxiety, and substance abuse problems, he says.

– worried

“Helsesista” is concerned that the increasing degree of isolation and loneliness may affect suicide statistics in this country.

– I get messages from people who say they will last until Christmas, but they can’t take it anymore. January ranks high in the suicide statistics from before, so I’m worried. Getting a low-threshold offering in place is urgent, and now is the time to really focus on this, he says.

Krohn Engvik does not believe that mental health has received the focus it deserves during the pandemic.

– It amazes me that we do so much to save some and so little to save others. I get so sad that tears well up when I hear all the stories of people who are desperate in so many incredible ways, he says.

– Desperate for the Prime Minister

“Helsesista” now comes with a clear appeal to the people.

– It is important that we dare to be honest if we are having a bad time. We should not be afraid to burden others with our problem.

Krohn Engvik also believes that the government has clear potential for improvement.

– They should not talk as if Christmas is canceled if we do not follow infection control measures. It will be a different Christmas this year, everyone knows it. But we will make Christmas as pleasant as possible anyway. And I am even more desperate for the Prime Minister to say that in the future we will have as little social contact as possible with others, she says and adds:

– It is now that we really have to take care of each other, especially all those who are alone in the whole range of age groups. The government must clearly communicate that it is important that in the future we have as much social contact as possible with others, without being physically close. And we have to organize physical meeting points where we can actually talk to each other and look into each other’s eyes.
