Helicopter traffic stops: crews on platforms do not reach ground


The security guard strike is increasing and will affect helicopter traffic at several Norwegian airports, including Sola. Oil workers can be trapped in the North Sea and rig operations can be affected.

The strike by the security guards is now affecting helicopter traffic between Sola and the North Sea. Photo: Jon Ingemundsen

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The guard strike intensified until Tuesday night. According to NRK Rogaland, this led to a sharp reduction in traffic since Tuesday. In Florø all traffic has already stopped. And when the strike escalates further Saturday night, the Stavanger Sola airport terminal will be hit.

This creates significant logistical problems for helicopter companies.

Most notable since Monday

– Sola traffic is affected from night to Saturday, but it is from Monday that we will feel stronger. Then traffic will be affected by more than 50 percent, Petter Sem-Henriksen in Bristow Norway tells NRK Rogaland.

Guards, who have been on strike for more than two months, play an important role at heliports, also when it comes to infection control regulations. also regarding the infection control rules that companies must now follow

Has moved to Stord

A 50 per cent reduction in Sola could have major consequences for the operation of platforms in the North Sea. Equinor itself has 60 weekly departures to its platforms.

Bristow has also flown three of its helicopters to Stord airport, to avoid the security strike.

– In Stord, the capacity is now maximum. It’s a small airport with little capacity, but we made the most of it, says Sem-Henriksen.

