Health minister is tough on Oslo: all-out dispute over stricter measures – VG


CLEAR MESSAGE: The Minister of Health and Care Services, Bent Høie, gives the municipality of Oslo a clear message: he hopes they will follow up on the recommendations of the Norwegian Health Directorate to quickly tighten up.

Now there is a complete agreement between the government and the Oslo City Council on whether stricter measures should be introduced in the capital.

On Monday, the city council introduced stricter measures in the capital. As in Bergen, they reduced the number of people who can meet privately from 20 to 10. But the Norwegian Health Directorate and the government believe they need to toughen up more, as soon as possible.

Now they threaten to overtake the Oslo city hall, if they do not toughen up.

– I am very concerned about the situation in Oslo, says the Minister of Health and Care Services, Bent Høie to VG.

– Acting quickly is important. I am closely monitoring the situation in Oslo and am prepared to be able to make national decisions if the Oslo City Council does not follow the advice of the leadership, he continues.

It was an unusually morbid Minister of Health who at NRK Dagsrevyen on Sunday night gave a clear message to Oslo to “take responsibility”:

– Now we see that many countries in Europe see trends for a new wave. We have avoided it so far in Norway, precisely because the municipalities have been quick. Now it is the turn of Oslo. Bergen took on the big job until last week and now it is Oslo that is on the front line and must take on that responsibility, the Health Minister tells NRK.

* See data box: this is what they think Oslo should do.

Councilor Raymond Johansen points out that Oslo has already introduced stricter measures.

– An educational challenge

Therefore, they also have no plans to push even further on Monday. Especially if infection rates continue to decline, as they have in recent days.

Councilmember Raymond Johansen tells VG that it is good that municipalities are still in the driver’s seat.

– We introduced stricter measures six days ago. We need to see if they help. We have seen the numbers go down. Introducing stricter measures while we watch the numbers drop, without seeing if the previous measures work, is a pedagogical challenge, says the city council leader.

The leader of the city council has made it clear that they will introduce stricter measures on the infection not going down.

He points out that it is now fall vacation and that many have traveled to cabins around it. She believes it will be a “demanding pedagogical exercise” to introduce very strict requirements for those who remain.

– This means that those who stay in Oslo cannot visit family, while those who are on vacation are at the mercy of local regulations who are in Hemsedal, Geilo or Trysil. This is not easy. In a population where initiative fatigue is increasing, communication work is difficult, says Johansen.

– We are closer to the population

– Is it absolutely sure that you will not press tomorrow, Monday?

– We have no plans for that. We introduced stricter measures last week. We had a meeting today and we want one tomorrow. It is not the case that Oslo has not introduced strict measures. We are constantly criticized for having introduced for strict measures, Johansen tells VG.

– Are you afraid of being caught on Monday?

– I have had close contact with the government and I believe that the division of labor that we have had has been good. We have a series of national guidelines and they complete the municipalities toolbox. And then those of us who sit closest to the population will take significant responsibility for following up on them. That division of labor has been good. I think it would be wise to have that division of labor, says city council leader Johansen.

– So you say more or less that you want to decide this yourself, that they should stay away?

– There are many things that have been national guidelines during the pandemic, we want that. But I think that the division of labor that we have had all along has been efficient and good. This is a marathon that will last for a long time. I think it’s good that the municipalities themselves are in the driver’s seat, says Johansen.

– IT HAS STRICT MEASURES: Councilor Raymond Johansen says “there is no reason to give the impression that Oslo has no strict measures.” He says that it is incredibly important to be able to communicate the measures that are being introduced and points out that they have 200 different nationalities in Oslo. Photo: Heiko Junge

– I do not need to create any conflict with the national authorities. Norway benefits from the fact that we are shoulder to shoulder in the work of reducing infection, says the town council leader at the same time.

Recommends action against students

One of the recommendations of the Norwegian Health Directorate is “the prohibition of events in universities and upper secondary schools that are not related to teaching”. Johansen notes, however, that Oslo does not have an outbreak of students like Bergen.

– Imposing several measures in an area where there is no infection is demanding. This is a marathon and we will be doing it for a long time. And it’s important that people have confidence, says Johansen.

The case continues after the video …

– We have the responsibility to be able to communicate our measurements. That they are reasonable in relation to what we are going to do. We experience almost no infection among the students, it is very positive. This means that the universities take responsibility, says the leader of the city council.

He also says that denying people access to nightclubs after 10 p.m. is not a given is an effective infection control measure, if it leads to more uncontrolled house parties.

– I understand the central authorities and I myself have contact with Bent Høie. Oslo has a completely different situation than any other place, because we are the capital of the country and many people live here. But there is no reason to create the impression that Oslo does not follow up, that we have no measures and that the people of Oslo are not good, Johansen tells VG.

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