Headwind Norway Suppresses Secretary General – Refuses to Resign – NRK Rogaland – Local News, TV and Radio


The board of the organization, which fights against the development of wind energy in Norway, has proposed to end the post of general secretary.

Evid Salen, who is chairman of the board, then enters the leadership role as acting chairman of the board.

It was E24 who first brought up the case.

The decision to change the address was made during a board meeting, and Haaland was only informed of the change four days after the meeting.

– It is incredibly unusual for an organization that is larger than FRP and SV to be governed by an active chairman of the board, without being decided by the national assembly, says Haaland.

Rune Haaland

Rune Haaland says he remains general secretary of Motvind Norway, as it is the national assembly that must adopt a leadership change, according to him.

Photo: Alf-Jørgen Tyssing / NRK

Rune Haaland says he is still the organization’s general secretary and has called a national meeting to put the situation in order.

– The council has now made a series of illegal decisions, in which it has deposed the general secretary in addition to the statutes. And he hired new people with fees that can’t be sustained like the organization’s finances are now, says Rune Haaland.

The board has asked members to ignore Haaland’s notice and has called an extraordinary national meeting.

– incredibly sad

Headwind Norway was founded a year ago as a resistance group against the development of wind energy and has held demonstrations across the country.

They have around 11,000 members, but on Facebook the group has almost 50,000 members.

Harald Dagfinn Kjellstad, Vice Chairman of the Board of Motvind Norge.

Harald Dagfinn Kjellstad, vice chairman of the board, says the board has proceeded in the right way and thinks it is a pity that Haaland reacts in this way.

Photo: Wind against Norway

Haaland was originally hired as the organization’s general secretary shortly after the organization was established. The agreement was that he would serve as general secretary until the national meeting in April.

Due to the situation of the crown, the national meeting was canceled and the contract was extended until October.

The vice chairman of the board, Harald Dagfinn Kjelstad, thinks the whole situation is sad.

– Rune has done a good job for us and I think what is happening now is incredibly sad. He was offered a position in the organization where he could work in finance and economics, but he has said no to that, so he is no longer part of the organization, says Kjelstad.

He believes that the board has acted correctly and that they are united with a new general manager.

Headwind at Jæren District Court

Headwind protesters outside the Jæren District Court in May this year.

Photo: Gunnar Morsund / NRK

Two perceptions of reality

After receiving the termination notice, Haaland requested a review of the legality of the decision.

After reviewing the organization’s minutes, Motvind’s lawyer recommended reinstating the secretary general and calling a national meeting.

– Actually, only the board can call a national meeting, but since the board ceased to function, Motvind Norge’s finance manager and attorney recommended that I make that decision, Haaland says.

The lawyer is Bjørn Kvernberg from the Elden Law Firm.

– When a general secretary is to be elected, it is the national assembly that must make that decision. And when there are such different opinions between the secretary general and the board, it is natural for the board to report incompetence and let the national assembly decide, says Kvernberg.

This has created a situation where the general secretary and the Motvind Norge board have two different perceptions of reality.

The Motvind board no longer sees Haaland as general secretary and believes that the lawyer no longer represents Motvind Norway.

– It was the general secretary who hired Kvernberg as the organization’s lawyer. Since resigning as general secretary, Kvernberg no longer represents the organization, says Kjeldstad.

At the same time, Haaland says that, as general secretary, he uses the organization’s own attorney and finance manager to order a process that he believes the board has not carried out properly.
