Head of Department Ida Bukholm withdraws layoff at Helgeland Hospital – NRK


The level of conflict at Helgeland Hospital has been through the roof for a long time.

The battle over where the hospital of the future will be located has led to a total division in the region.

A week ago Ida Bukholm, a department head at Helgeland Hospital, came out and said that during a meeting with management she was asked to resign.

The background will be an email he sent to the Norwegian Board of Health on September 16, about cancer surgery and the number of operations performed at Sandnessjøen.

According to Helgelands Blad, he also made undocumented allegations about employee qualifications.

The email was sent without informing the hospital management. Health employees, on the other hand, are not required to notify their superiors of reports to the Norwegian Board of Health.

Bukholm told NRK that he agreed to resign under one important condition, he says.

– The management must say very clearly that it was they who asked me, Bukholm told NRK.

If you don’t get the answer you asked for, I would consider withdrawing your resignation.

– Invalid termination

Now a week has passed. On Tuesday night, Rana Blad wrote that Ida Bukholm was withdrawing her resignation.

She tells NRK that Helgeland Hospital management has not been contacted about the employment relationship.

Therefore, Bukholm believes that the dismissal is invalid.

– The CEO should be able to say that sending an email to the Norwegian Board of Health without reporting is not compatible with the fact that I can work as a specialist director at Helgeland Hospital. In my head, it’s fair.

It further states that it has been informed that the management has not accepted that it withdraw its resignation.

Helgeland Hospital declined to comment on the details of the firing. See the response to Helgeland Hospital at the bottom of the case.

That is why he has now joined the Norwegian Medical Association. She reports to NRK from its central office in Oslo.

– It’s a matter of principles. Well, I am getting legal help. Then we will see where it ends.

Helgeland Hospital, hospital in Mo i Rana.

There will be two emergency hospitals in Helgeland. An emergency hospital in Mo i Rana (pictured) and another in and around Sandnessjøen, with joint management located in Sandnessjøen.

Photo: Helgeland HF Hospital

At the home office in Oslo

Due to the increase in coronary heart disease in Rana municipality, Bukholm has not been physically present at the hospital in the last two weeks.

He admits that the situation is not very pleasant. But it works until something else is said.

– It is stupid that this is a negotiation in the media. But that’s the way it is when you don’t get an answer.

Bukholm says the plan was for her to travel north next week. But now it is not clear what will happen.

The email with which Bukholm sent the email in connection with is the Norwegian Board of Health review of the cancer surgery service in Sandnessjøen. It’s an offer that has been circulating since all bowel cancer operations were discontinued in January of this year.

Bukholm herself feels that she has not exceeded her powers.

Still, he sees that he could have done things differently.

– It was stupid that I did not report that I had sent an email to the supervisory authority But that there should be grounds for the dismissal, I can barely see.

Respond to Bukholm’s statements

In the email, there are two surgeons in Sandnessjøen in particular who are mentioned by Bukholm.

One of them is the gastro-surgeon Knut Magne Augestad. In the email, Bukholm will state that Augestad had to leave Nordland Hospital early in his career due to quality problems during operations.

– This is just sad. The department head’s statement is incorrect and inaccurate, and I do not understand the statement that comes up, he tells Helgelands Blad.

– A valuable employee

Chief Union Delegate Anders Bjellånes of the Norwegian Medical Association in Rana confirms that Bukholm receives legal assistance from the Norwegian Medical Association centrally.

Describe the difficult and unfortunate situation that has arisen.

– There are always two sides to a case, but probably neither party thinks this is particularly nice. But the Mo i Rana Medical Association supports Bukholm’s version that she has been treated unfairly. Then we can hope that you will find a solution.

Bjellånes says that many at Helgeland Hospital in Rana react to the fact that Bukholm feels pressured out of work.

– She is a valuable employee. There are many who feel that it has worked well for the hospital and the profession. It would have been better if he could still be in his position. That’s what she wants, says Anders Bjellånes.

Helgeland Hospital: – Will not comment on the claim.

Helgeland Hospital, which has confirmed that Bukholm has resigned to various media, tells NRK as follows Tuesday night:

– In addition to what has been said, we do not want to comment further on the subject. This is a personal matter, and we do not comment on them in the media, reports media guard Jan-Eirik Vestnes.

Helgeland Hospital also declined to comment on Bukholm’s claim about the conditions for his resignation, or that he has now withdrawn his resignation.
