– He has said many funny things, as the king usually does – VG


RIKSHOSPITALET (VG) King Harald’s doctor for life jokes that if the king doesn’t get out of bed, he will “kick him out.”

King’s physician Bjørn Bendz, who led the medical team during today’s heart valve operation, invited selected press to a 20-minute meeting in Rikshospitalet at 2:00 p.m. VG was present.

I have you? This is how the operation was carried out

– I thought it would take some of the background from what we have done here today, Bendz started and spoke about the operation in 2005 where one of the king’s congenital heart valves was replaced.

– The operation was performed according to our standard procedures, in the same room in which all our other patients are treated. He was awake and received local anesthesia on the right side of his neck and upper groin, Bendz explained before going into more detail about the operation, which should have taken half an hour.

Calmed down

The king is now under observation and doing well. They have given him sedatives, said Bendz, who has been the king’s doctor for life since June this year.

– He has said many funny things, as the king usually does. He is our good old king, said a smiling doctor, who says that only a few days ago it was decided to operate.

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The doctor claims that the king will stay in the hospital for the weekend, but that they will take care of him day by day.

– It makes sense for him to stay here for the weekend, Bendz said.

– But the king is in a good mood and is joking, he added.

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Not risk free

The life doctor explained that an operation like the one the king has undergone today can be risky, but that it is rare.

– That power be dramatic. You can start bleeding, have a stroke, and in the worst case, die. But that has not happened today. There is a 99 percent chance that these interventions will be successful.

Bendz further concluded that “it was a good Friday.”

– I have concentrated, said the doctor and reported that they have known for some years that the king had to change the lapel at some point.

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THE DOCTOR: Bjørn Bendz at the press conference. Photo: Geir Olsen, NTB

The doctor explained that the king is in the intensive care unit for practical reasons, in an adapted room – “because he is our king.”

But he is not an intensive care patient, he pointed out.

He also claimed that the king might receive a visit from his family soon. Soon after, at 3 p.m., the car arrived with Queen Sonja and Crown Prince Haakon in the back seat in front of the hospital.

Corona insurance

When asked by the VG reporter where it is safest to be now, considering the danger to the crown, the doctor replied.

– It’s safe to be where you are now. King has undergone corona tests and thankfully they came back negative.

Now it is a matter of the king recovering quickly, he added.

– If you don’t get out of bed, I’ll kick you out. That’s what he’s determined and has a sense of humor, Bendz jokingly told VG.

When asked how the king felt awake during the operation, the doctor replied.

– I perceived it as he thought it was interesting.

Bendz praised the king for his frankness about the disease.

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Now the king is expected to improve on breathing.

– I can’t say anything about his other health. Everyone has probably seen that you have some difficulty walking, but it is due to pain in your legs. It has nothing to do with the heart, Bendz said.

You can get up and get up tomorrow

The doctor for life declared that the king himself should rule when he can return to work.

– He’s lying on a bed in the intensive care unit now and he’s fine. Tomorrow he will walk. it is common. When he is ready to be released, he will resume his duties, Bendz said, adding:

– Now we will make sure that there is no bleeding at the injection sites and that there are no heart rhythm disorders. The faster you get patients out of bed, the faster they will get well. But lifting weights the first week is prohibited.

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See the royal family vacation photos

It was shortly before noon. On Friday morning the 11th, the royal family announced that King Harald’s heart valve operation was successful and that the king’s condition is good.

After the operation, the king was transferred to the Intensive Care Unit for further observation. He will be on sick leave until October.

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SIGNED SICK: King Harald, here on the 75th anniversary of liberation at Akershus Fortress on May 8 this year. Photo: Lise Åserud, NTB

Cardiologist on the king’s operation.: – I wouldn’t be worried

News that King Harald was to have heart valve surgery came Thursday. On the same day, the king was again transported to Rikshospitalet, where he was recently hospitalized for respiratory problems.

Limited duration

Fifteen years have passed since the king underwent his first heart valve operation between the heart and the main artery, the so-called aortic valve. During an open operation, the king’s aortic valve was replaced with an artificial heart valve, made of biological material.

These artificial biological heart valves have a lifespan of 10-15 years. The king has undergone regular checks since the first operation.

While the king is recently operated on in the hospital, Friday’s minister at the Palace has continued on his way, led by Crown Prince Haakon. This is confirmed by the communications director, Guri Ofstad Varpe, to VG.

The Crown Prince also participated in two hearings today.

The Crown Prince Regent will also visit Trondheim as planned, to attend the festive service at Nidaros Cathedral on the occasion of a new presidency in the Church of Norway on Sunday. However, Queen Sonja cancels her planned participation.

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