He does not seek re-election to the Storting – VG


DOES NOT PUT: Trond Giske will not take a new term. Here it is during the Black Night conference in Tromsø in August last year. Photo: Rune Stoltz Bertinussen

TRONDHEIM (VG) Trond Giske will not make bench proposals and will not take a new term.

Write this on Facebook Friday night. The announcement came shortly after the Trøndelag Labor Party electoral committee appointed Marit Bjerkås as the new leader.

Giske was unanimously nominated for county leader on Monday, but Trøndelag AUF announced Thursday night that they were withdrawing their support for Giske, and the committee was called to an emergency meeting.

This happened, among other things, after Sandra Skillingsås (29) appeared on Adressa and recounted her personal experiences with Giske and Trøndelag Ap.

– The load is too big

– It is impossible to find yourself in a situation where neither basic legal norms nor press norms apply. This does not end, people can without documentation make accusations against me every time I apply for political office. It happened last year, it’s happening again now, and it could happen in the future, Giske writes on Facebook.

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Labor appeal: – Trond Giske shouldn’t gain new confidence in party outposts

– Therefore, together with my family, I have come to the conclusion that I can no longer be in this, nor in a new appointment to the Storting. The load becomes too great. I feel sorry for everyone who supports me and encourages me to stand up. I would like to follow the call and help build a good and strong Labor Party. Unfortunately, this is not possible, writes Giske.

WATCH VIDEO: Here is a new proposal for a leader.

– it does not end

Trøndelag’s nominating committee appointed Marit Bjerkås as the new leader, after crisis meetings on Friday. When asked what it feels like to retire, Giske tells Adressa.no, “I feel like I had no other choice.”

– The situation where anyone can accuse me of anything without documentation has become too difficult. It is not possible to stand on it. I think everyone understands that, Giske tells the newspaper.

– The rules of proof of accusations do not apply here. It is I who must prove that I have done nothing. And it is difficult to achieve. It is too heavy a burden for the family and for me. It does not finish. Some media were reluctant in 2018 and 2019. Several of them have been launched now. Politician Trond Giske may be on his feet for a long, long time, but this is not politics. This cannot be defended. It’s a much bigger burden and I’m really sorry for everyone I see, Giske tells adressa.no.

At the same time, the former Labor leader says: “I must accept that nobody has the right to a new opportunity, nobody has the right to forgiveness or a new confidence. I also have to accept it.

– Why do you also say no to being nominated again for the Storting? Adresseavisen asks.

– It will be a nomination process, and I risk new accusations from which I cannot defend myself. But it’s not too bad for me. I’ll handle it, Giske tells Adressa.no.

I need a fresh start

Amund Hellesø and Eva Kristin Hansen are nominated as deputy leaders in Trøndelag Ap.

– The Labor Party needs a fresh start. At work, we need continuity and experience, and we get it with this attitude, says the chairman of the nominating committee, Arild Grande.

The party’s deputy mayor in Meråker, Anne-Karin Langåsvold, believes that what happened in the last week “is sad”.

– We are losing a good politician, Langåsvold tells VG.

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Labor Mayor on Giske: – Still has my support

Per Kristian Skjærvik is a former Mayor of Rissa, MP and county leader in the Sør-Trøndelag Labor Party. He tells VG that he has experienced the last few days as chaotic.

– It was surreal. We have gone from a situation where Trond Giske could have been applauded as the leader of the Trøndelag Labor Party to the fact that he retires from everything and is politically dead. I don’t think anyone would have imagined that, he says.

– I’m sorry that it happens this way, but at the same time I understand Giske and the pressure he and his family have been exposed to. You have made a sensible decision, he adds.

The Meråker Langsåvold politician says they must rebuild the party and focus on politics.

– Because politics goes completely to the background due to the personal conflict that has occurred between different groups. she says.

Langsåvold understands that Giske decided to retire.

– You probably felt so much pressure that you decided to withdraw. I respect that he chose to think of himself and his family. Now we have to meet, but there will probably be some discussions about the ethics and culture of the press in the party.

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