Have a low threshold for canceling the holidays


– If you wake up with a little fever or dirt in your throat, you should not go to a family party. You have to stay home and test yourself, Nakstad tells TV 2.

He says that the threshold should be low to cancel the Christmas holidays or not to visit family or friends.

– If you notice that you are making something that, for example, you have a headache, you have a little stuffy nose, you have a fever or you lose your sense of smell, you should definitely not go to a Christmas party.

– Stay away from guests

– What is important to think about when you are at a Christmas party?

– At Christmas parties, it is important that those who live together stay away from other guests. If you have a visiting family, you can sit down as a family for the family, both eating and holding Christmas presents. It is important to stay a little separate in the living room.

– So you have to sit at different tables or?

– No, but if those who invite sit on one side of the table and others at a certain distance, it is within the infection control councils, says the deputy director of health.

He describes the growing number of infections as “worrisome.”

– Our concern is that we will have a constant increase in infection during Christmas, as the trend has become in many municipalities, and that one or two weeks after Christmas we see that it is beginning to increase sharply.

– A very scary thought

He says that Christmas can be critical and be the beginning of a new wave.

– Many may think that now there will be a vaccine soon and then we can lower our shoulders a little?

We know this about vaccine side effects: – Most people will experience them

– It is a very scary thought because many months will pass before we have vaccinated a large part of the population. Only then, given by the vaccine that really protects against infection, do we get some herd immunity. Until then, infection rates are the most important and we keep them low so that we do not have a new wave of very high infections with many hospitalizations and deaths. We can risk this during the winter.

Warns against Danish conditions

In Denmark, there have been 26 deaths and 3,297 cases of infection in the last 24 hours. A total of 143,472 people have been diagnosed with the infection in the country, while 1,096 have died since the covid-19 theft began, figures from the Statens Serum Institut show.

– It’s a bit scary to see the development in Denmark now. They have around 40 times more infection than us this summer and have had measurements quite similar to Norway. Sometimes they have also gone ahead. Denmark is on par with Sweden now and shows how fast it can go the wrong way and how difficult it is. We may have been a bit lucky and ended up on the right side of the border, but we may end up in the same situation, says Nakstad.

– Why has Denmark ended up in that situation?

This is probably mainly due to the fact that we have had a little more contact with people in greater numbers and for a longer period of time than in Norway. There is no need for more. If we relax too much, what happened in Denmark can also happen in Norway.
