Handwritten sheet found in Makaveli Lindén’s cell (22)


Surveillance photographs taken at 07.41 on October 15 two years ago show Makaveli Lindén in a parking lot at Majorstua in Oslo.

He is carrying a leather PC bag that he just stole from a man who had parked his car on his way to work.

“I don’t know if I can do this”

In order not to be caught by the police, the 22-year-old Swede ran the approximately 500 meters from the garage to the Majorstua school. Next to the school is an apartment with a fenced in backyard.

At the Oslo District Court on Monday, Lindén explained that she jumped the fence, went into the backyard and knocked on a door, but without anyone opening it.

Then he sat down and had a cigarette, according to his own explanation. Then Heikki Bjørklund Paltto came and opened.

What happened in the next few minutes is one of the things that the police have tried to clarify.

The violence lasted a long time

Findings at the site indicate that Paltto, who was killed with 44 or 45 stab wounds, has been held captive over time. Lindén said that he, among other things, tied up his victim.

Traces at the scene indicate that there has been a fight and damage has been found showing that Paltto has tried to defend himself against the Swede’s attacks.

It is not clear exactly how long the violence has been going on, as understood by TV 2.

WARNING: Makaveli Lindén arrived at the Oslo District Court accompanied by several guards on Monday morning.

WARNING: Makaveli Lindén arrived at the Oslo District Court accompanied by several guards on Monday morning. Photograph: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB

Lindén was arrested in France after eight days on the run. In April of last year he was extradited to Norway.

Shortly afterwards, when he was incarcerated in the Ila high security prison in Bærum, officers found several handwritten A4 sheets that the Swede had written.

Handwritten sheet found

An extract of the letter was filed in court on Monday.

“I’m sorry I didn’t know how I could give him a quick death,” it says in the note.

Although Lindén says in court that he only remembers five of the more than 40 stab wounds, the text supports the hypothesis of the police: that the situation of threat and violence has been going on for a long time.

WANTS TREATMENT: Advocate Øystein Storrvik will demand mandatory mental health care for Makaveli Lindén.

WANTS TREATMENT: Advocate Øystein Storrvik will demand mandatory mental health care for Makaveli Lindén. Photograph: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB

– It was found during a cell search. He was in a pretty confused state at the time. Experts had evaluated him as psychotic, says defender Øystein Storrvik.

– How do you think what is written on the note matches the rest of the evidence?

– Technical findings indicate that the episode may have lasted for some time. He does not remember it, but neither does he deny that it could have been so.

Steal clothes

After the murder, Lindén dressed in the clothes she found in the apartment before escaping in the direction of Frognerelva.

– Did you think about calling someone when you saw Paltto’s injuries? Asked State Attorney Trude Antonsen.

ACTOR: State Attorney Trude Antonsen.

ACTOR: State Attorney Trude Antonsen. Photograph: Stian Lysberg Solum / NTB

– No, answered Lindén.

In court Monday, the 22-year-old said he was remorseful but was ill when the murder occurred.

Expert psychiatrists have evaluated Lindén’s health. They have concluded that he was psychotic after the murder, but cannot determine if he was during the act of the murder.

Lindén, among other things, has said that a voice in her head told her that she had to make Paltto fall asleep.

The prosecution has made a reservation that they will request mandatory mental health care, something that will be supported by Lindén and her defender, Øystein Storrvik
