Hadia Tajik on Giske’s warning in her new book: –


– Sexual harassment has to do with power and hierarchies, writes Tajik in his new book “Freedom”, to which Dagbladet has had access.

He asserts that it is not enough to hope that people in power do not abuse their power, but believes that everyone in a position has a responsibility to shape safe workplaces and organizations.

– Part of the security is created by defending those who are exposed, says the deputy leader of the Labor Party, who himself has had to endure internal criticism for his role in the so-called Giske case.

Hadia Tajik on her hidden illness

Hadia Tajik on her hidden illness

– definitely

She describes the warnings against Giske herself in relatively brief terms:

– When in December 2017 there were several reports of concern about sexual harassment against my deputy colleague Trond Giske, I had no doubt that this had to be relayed to the party office as the appropriate body, Tajik writes.

She still thinks she did the only right thing:

– Anyone who receives information about something worthy of criticism has a legal and moral duty to address it. Of course you do, write.

Giske resigned as deputy leader of the Labor Party in January 2018 after several warnings against him. The party concluded that Giske had violated the party’s internal guidelines against sexual harassment, but Giske himself has denied the allegations of sexual harassment. It has also claimed that several of the warnings are “unfounded and false.”

He has no comment for Dagbladet on the Tajikistan submission.

Giske on Bøhler: - I have rarely met a central party artist with whom I agree

Giske on Bøhler: – I have rarely met a central party artist with whom I agree

Close employee

Tajik further describes in the book how a nearby employee in December 2017 told him that she had submitted a formal notice against Giske to the leadership of the Labor Party secretariat at the Storting.

– She had chosen to send the notice before telling me about it, says Tajik in the book.

It says that the employee simultaneously submitted an assessment of the content of the warning, carried out by a lawyer and an organizational psychologist commissioned by the party.

– I had no reason to doubt what he said. I still don’t have that, Tajik writes in the book.

HEAVY TIME: Hadia Tajik and Kristian Skard had wanted children for a long time, but getting them was going to be more difficult than they thought.
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Women’s health

Tajik’s book is a personal account, but it is also largely political. When she talks about her own hidden medical history and the problems she has experienced getting pregnant, she draws parallels to what she experiences as the invisibility of the body and the health of women.

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AUF Leader: Understand Reactions

She believes that there is a common thread from maternity care, which she believes does not invite the codetermination of pregnant women, to all those who believe that sexual harassment is just part of the jargon and “something to endure “.

– Don’t be covered. Don’t be picky. It can not be so bad. Many have experienced the same as you, and they neither cry nor cheer, Tajik writes rhetorically and continues:

– In the long term, it is not possible to tell a new generation of women that the rules of the game cannot be changed. We were not the ones who shaped these social structures that give women less freedom. Nor do we intend to live up to them, he writes.
