Hadia Tajik, Bok | Hadia Tajik’s book is printed in Lithuania: – Unheard of and horrible


A local Stavanger printer reacts to Tajikistan’s new book being printed abroad. Unfounded and serious accusations, responds the Labor deputy.

– When even the deputy leader of the Labor Party does not care about Norwegian industry and the competition we face from low-cost countries, yes, then it seems undeniably dark. In our opinion, what Tajik is doing now is completely unheard of, says Trond Aril Espedal of Kai Hansen Trykkeri in Stavanger, one of the largest printing companies in the country, to Stavanger Aftenblad.

This is a horrible form of Swedish commerce, you think.

Tajik’s new book is published by the Norwegian publisher Tiden Norsk Forlag, but the printing and binding is done in Lithuania and is handled by the ScandBook UAB press.

Espedal believes that it will strike a chord with Norwegian industry.

According to Stavanger Aftenblad, Tajik devotes space to discussing working conditions in the book.

He also interviews a man who came to Norway from Lithuania. He says that in his home country the union is seen as looking for money from workers.

In an email to SA, Tajik writes that the allegations to which she is subjected are baseless and serious:

– I chose Tiden Norsk Forlag for two reasons: because Mattis Øybø was the editor of my first book, in 2001, and therefore I could trust that he could offer the resistance my text needed. And because Tiden is a former workers’ publishing house, founded by the Labor Party in 1933, and with a long tradition of publishing political books with roots in social democracy, Tajik writes to the newspaper.

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Publications manager Kjetil Strømme Jørve tells SA that since 2008 there have been no Norwegian printing companies that can produce black and white or non-fiction novels in larger editions on rotary press.

‘The use of printing plants abroad is therefore a common practice for all Norwegian publishers. Time prints all of our books at the partners of the proprietary publisher Gyldendal. This is not something we choose from book to book, or something that Hadia Tajik had the opportunity to influence, “Jørve responds.

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Espedal says this is not true:

– Our production team covers everything and of course we could have printed Tajik’s book without any problem. I can send examples to the editor. If much of this type of production goes back to Norway, it will also give more variety, capacity and better prices, he says, adding that social and environmental in this case sucks.

Espedal also tells SA that he left the Labor Party last year.
