Gunfight – Courtroom Drama: Wayward Image


The trial of four people accused of attempting to murder a man on Good Friday last year was abruptly interrupted Tuesday.

The explanation of one of the charges came towards the end, when the prosecutor Tonje Thønder asked if the man had taken photographs during the judicial process.

What he was referring to was a photo taken by the offended party while testifying on Monday.

The image was placed with the text “silent” and spread on social media. Additionally, the same text was placed on a screenshot of the man’s Facebook photo.

- It would scare

– It would scare

Illegal photography

The angle from which the photo was taken indicated that someone on the bench had taken the photo. The judge in the case has explained on several occasions that it is not allowed to take photographs without approval while the court is established.

– Is there any of you in custody with a mobile phone? Asked the prosecutor.

– No, the defendants and several lawyers responded in unison.

– The other phones are seized, said the prosecutor and drew attention to one of the defendants who held his cell phone in his hand.

– Hang up your phone, ordered Prosecutor Thønder.

TAKEN: The prosecutor seized the phones. Photo: Øistein Monsen / Dagbladet
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Admitted violation of the prohibition

The prosecutor had obtained an advance decision from police attorney Christian Hatlo, and police guards in the courtroom confiscated two of the defendants’ mobile phones. They both reacted strongly to the fact that they were deprived of their phones and thought it was illegal.

The other defendant, an 18-year-old who is currently not in detention, admitted that he had taken the photo, but not that he had published it on social networks.

Brutal fighting triggered wild shootings at the school

Brutal fighting triggered wild shootings at the school


– This says a bit about how difficult this environment is, prosecutor Tonje Thønder tells Dagbladet

The “case in case” has not been completed and the prosecution wants to gather more information about the incident. On the other hand, all the charges have now been explained in court.

Two defendants admitted to shooting at the car in which a 35-year-old man was sitting. They both thought the shots were only intended to intimidate. The other two people on the bench have explained that they were in the area, but they deny having anything to do with the shooting episode.

Yesterday several people were expelled from the surroundings of the Palace of Justice after shouting insults at the offended 35-year-old. She chose to leave the Oslo district court so as not to create more disturbances than necessary.

The incident occurred in Mortensrud, the night before Good Friday, April 10 of last year. The penalty for attempted murder is 21 years in prison.
