Grønne’s ODM Miljøpartiet criticizes Forsvarsbygg for breach of protection at Evenes airport – NRK


In 1997, the Nautå Nature Reserve was protected.

The purpose was to care for an important wetland area and life in it.

The area is described as a very important nesting and migration area for wetland birds. In addition to having a special plant life, it is established in the regulations.

Evenes airport is nearby. The county governor has previously noted that the airport represents a major challenge for the protected area.

When Evenes now also becomes an operational combat base, many are concerned about how life will go in the important nature reserve.

In a short time, the county governor has twice reported Forsvarsbygg to the police for serious violations of protection regulations. The MDGs now require government intervention.

– Forsvarsbygg behaves like the elephant in the glass house. But at least one elephant has not been told how to behave in a glass house. Forsvarsbygg knows well what stocks are in the area, says central board member Toine Sannes at MDG.

– It takes care of itself

It is Forsvarsbygg who has been tasked with ensuring that everything is in place by August 1, 2022, when Evenes becomes an operational combat base.

In two years, Evenes will host Norwegian fighter jets and P8 maritime surveillance aircraft.

Toine C. Sannes in the Green Party

Toine C. Sannes is not very enthusiastic about the way Forsvarsbygg has proceeded.

Photo: Svea P. Sannes

Environmentalists are concerned. Sannes has lost all confidence that Forsvarsbygg will manage the work without causing irreparable harm to vulnerable wildlife.

– The RAMSAR Convention is the strongest international protection provision that can be given. They seem to be unaware of this, says Sannes.

Sannes notes that Forsvarsbygg is well aware of the development challenges his own group has raised multiple times.

– When then they start, we see that they take care of themselves, says Sannes, and continues:

– And still no one knows how to ensure that deicing chemicals from military aircraft and runways do not end up in the vulnerable wetlands that surround the airport, says the ODM politician.

Ask Rotevatn to go out into the field

Now pass the ball to the Ministry of Climate and Environment. With a clear challenge to Sveinung Rotevatn (V).

– If we have a Minister of the Environment who really means something with his title, he must come down from the fence and answer how he will ensure that the RAMSAR area in Evenes is treated as we have committed ourselves.

She believes that the critics testify that a state actor stepped forward.

– What should the minister have done?

– From day one, you must ensure and closely monitor that Forsvarsbygg is kept strictly within what is possibly allowed in this area.

– There is nothing reassuring in those we see now; that a state actor takes action and rages in a vulnerable wetland area.

Forsvarsbygg: – We take the environment seriously

Olaf Dobloug is Section Leader at Forsvarsbygg. He says they are aware that they are operating in a very vulnerable area.

He points out that they always take the environment very seriously. And that they have developed an environmental plan both for the entire airport and for each individual project.

They have now come up with a gentle cleaning plan along the fence that was approved by the county governor.

– We take the environment seriously. We have a large number of staff in both planning and monitoring the environment.

– The second revision that I am not familiar with. We are also discussing a water leakage case with the county governor.

As for Svanevatnet, they have followed up with their own environmental advisers.

sediment-covered crown algae in swan water

Svanevatnet has organisms that are very sensitive to external influences. This is why the county governor seriously considers that the water from a drain pipe has been drained into the water.

Photo: Nordland County Governor

– We have documentation that we have not sedimented Svanevatnet, who is the real gem here. We have done a good basic job, but I just have to confirm that we are aware of the police report we have spoken to.

Is the criticism a sign that further preparation should have been done here?

– We wanted to say that we have done it thoroughly and as we think it was correct.

– It is clear that when there have been such discussions, one must realize that perhaps we should have had even closer contact with the environmental authorities. We would have liked very much not to have had these problems that we are seeing now, so there are things that we must analyze.

Stock plan

Dobloug now promises that they will check and see if the routines are good enough.

– We have had extensive dialogue with the people of the county governor the entire time and have agreed to meet again soon. We have also drawn up many action plans which, among other things, have been approved after much contact with the Norwegian Environment Agency.

Maren Hersleth Holsen

Maren Hersleth Holsen is Secretary of State in the Ministry of Climate and Environment.

Photo: Snorre Tønset / Snorre Tønset

Secretary of State Maren Hersleth Holsen (V) responds on behalf of the Ministry of Climate and Environment:

– In connection with the development of the Evenes airport, a draft state zoning plan for the area is being prepared. I am concerned that this plan will have a good result in terms of environmental values ​​around the Evenes airport.

– Are there fears that large quantities of chemicals will be released into the area around the airport when the base is in operation?

– Any emissions from the airport must be dealt with in accordance with the Pollution Control Act and will require permission from the county governor, says Hersleth Holsen.

Svanevatnet is close to Harstad / Narvik Evenes Airport.
