Grocery Exchange, Supermarkets | The chains that crush Kiwi, Rema and Extra to obtain goodies:


Europris is listed as the winner of the candy price test this week.

Every Saturday, there are more people who have good deals on treats and therefore some can boast of better deals than the low price chains.

While you have to pay NOK 14.90 in the low price chains, you can get snacks for NOK 10.90 per Hg at Europris every Saturday. But Europris is far from a big winner. In second place is Shell with NOK 11.10 per Hg as its price on Saturday.

– There is a lot to save here. All the money goes, says Rune Nikolaisen, who is behind

Check the prices in the different stores below:

Attract customers

However, she believes that treats on a fixed day a week are how stores and gas stations make more people shop with them. Low-price chains, on the other hand, don’t run deals on small items on a fixed day of the week.

– It is a good way to attract customers. Europris has been offering snacks on Saturdays for a long time, and then it has adapted to people, so they know when it is cheap there. Then Europris will attract more customers than they would have otherwise, says Nikolaisen.

Click the pic to enlarge.  GJERRIGKNARK: Rune Nikolaisen believes that small items on a specific day of the week can be counted as lure deals.

GJERRIGKNARK: Rune Nikolaisen believes that small items on a specific day of the week can be counted as lure deals.
Photo: Bjørn Kenneth Muggerud

He believes they are betting that people’s impulse control fails and that they buy something else when they are already in the store.

– That’s what they play, he says.

Also read: New revelations about Kiwi and Menu: It has a great advantage over the competition

This also applies to gas stations, although Nikolaisen does not imagine that so many people buy there.

– I can’t imagine people raiding gas stations to buy cheap candy for their children on Saturdays, he says, adding:

– Everyone has the impression that gas stations are deer at all, so maybe they will surprise people a bit with this offer. At the same time, they can get people to buy something else that is very expensive.

Also read: Now Kiwi is bigger than Rema 1000, it is the largest supermarket chain in Norway

If you manage to limit yourself to buying only what is offered, it will of course help you to go where it is cheapest for the item you want.

Nikolaisen also has some good savings tip for you who want to buy small items for Saturday night, no matter where you shop.

– Bring a bag from the veggie counter. Remember that candy bags or candy boxes also weigh a little, so with a plastic bag you can save more money, he says.

– Allow to enjoy

Europris CEO Espen Eldal explains why they have chosen to sell the sweets for 13.90 on weekdays and for NOK 10.90 per hectare on Saturdays.

– It is allowed to enjoy on Saturdays, and that is why we have been choosing for many years to differentiate the price of sweets during the week and on Saturdays, he says.

He says they should be a low-priced, competitively priced store, and this is part of that strategy.

– Nikolaisen believes that this is an attractive offer to attract more people to the store, so that they can buy other things at the same time. what do you think about it?

– Having a Saturday price on sweets is positive for customers, because that is when many people buy sweets. It’s always the case in the retail industry that we expect customers to buy more, he says, adding:

– We want customers to bring more of our good deals.

Also read: Total price war on the cheapest items

– It takes social responsibility seriously

Coop Communications Manager Harald Kristiansen explains why they don’t follow competitors and cut prices for small products on the weekends.

– We have promised the health authorities that we will not start a price war on small items, but rather that we will help reduce the salt and sugar intake of Norwegians. We intend to keep that promise, and it won’t be compatible with ditching the price of small items, he tells Nettavisen.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Head of Communications at Coop Norway, Harald Kristiansen.  Close-up of him in front of a store shelf.  He wears a gray sweater and glasses.

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Harald Kristiansen, Head of Communications at Coop Norge, says that they take corporate social responsibility seriously and therefore won’t have a price war on small items.
Photo: Halvor Ripegutu (Mediehuset Nettavisen)

This is despite knowing that more people are competing for price on the weekends and that several of Coop’s customers might also envision a lower price for small items.

– Previously, we have received massive criticism from nutritionists for selling cheap snacks. We can understand this and it is something that we have taken very seriously. So we’ve come out and said that we need to take our social responsibility seriously and therefore set a more even price on small items, he says.

They follow the competitors, but he believes that none of the grocery players want to start a price war on candy as a result of the criticism that has come before and the cooperation they have with health authorities.

However, Eldal at Europris sees no problem in offering snacks on Saturdays, considering the health aspect.

– There is no problem. But that’s why we have a higher price on weekdays and lower on Saturdays, because this weekend it is allowed to have fun, says Eldal.

Click the pic to enlarge.  MORE EXPENSIVE: In Lavpriskjedene the sweets cost more than in several others, at least on Saturdays.

MOST EXPENSIVE: In Lavpriskjedene, snacks cost more than in several others, at least on Saturdays.
Photo: Nina Lorvik (Mediehuset Nettavisen)

Feel free to express your opinion in the survey before reading further, the article continues below.

Corona Compatible Appetizers

After the crown pandemic broke out in Norway this spring, there were several stores that temporarily stopped the sale of small items. This was because it was unclear whether the coronavirus would be transmitted through food and sweets.

On candy shelves, people often pick up the same candy spoons, the candy box lids are inside, and some also choose to taste and hand-pick a candy.

Europris was one of those who stopped the sale of sweets, but they quickly found a solution to the problem. They started selling boxes of sweets that weighed between 1.5 and 2.5 kilos, with a price of 99 crowns per kilo. Here there was only one black treat in each box.

Read also: – If you make this small change, you can lose 26 kg in a year (+)

Obesity expert Jøran Hjelmesæth criticized the chain for selling candy in such large boxes.

“Large quantities and low prices can tempt many to buy more than they need, and then either sit still or feel like they should eat, and it is not good for your health,” Hjelmesæth said.

Europris CEO Espen Eldal explained to Nettavisen that the large boxes were intended to be placed on the shelf for small products for sale in bulk.

– If we had had the opportunity to plan, we would have bought in smaller boxes to sell, he said.

Now in mid-October they have opened the small shelves, but they are very concerned that it is compatible with the crown, among other things, they ensure that the spoons are changed frequently.
