Groceries, Kiwi | Respond to “illogical” prices on popular products:


Large containers are not always the most affordable and offer the best performance. Tine understands that consumers react, while chains defend differences.

It is not unknown that there can be a lot to save if you buy a larger package than a small package of an item, but this is not necessarily true. If you don’t pay close attention, you can risk losing a lot of money at the grocery store.

We are taught that small portion packets are more expensive than large packets or cups, but here the vision can be deceiving.

Higher price per kilo

If you buy 850 grams of vanilla yogurt from Tine, the price per kilo is higher than if you buy four small cups in a package, for a total of 600 grams.

For 34.70 crowns at Kolonial you don’t get 850 grams, and here the price per kilo is 40.82 crowns. If, on the other hand, you buy a pack of four of 150 grams each, it only costs 14.60 NOK, and a price per kilo of 24.33 NOK.

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In Extra, 850 grams cost 32.10 crowns, which gives a price per kilo of only 37.76 crowns. This is in stark contrast to the price per kilo of 21.67 kr. If you buy a pack with 4×150 grams, which costs 13 kr a pack for a total of 600 grams. If you buy a 500 gram mug for NOK 18.90, the price per kilo is NOK 37.80 in comparison.

At Rema, the price is also 13 crowns for 4×150 grams of Tine’s vanilla yogurt, with a price per kilo of 21.67 crowns. A cup of 500 grams costs 18.90 crowns and a kilo of 37.80 crowns. 850 grams grams cost 33.10 crowns, which means 38.94 crowns per kilo.

Click the pic to enlarge.  MORE EXPENSIVE: Buying a large 850 gram cup of yogurt is more expensive than buying four small cups.

MORE EXPENSIVE: Buying a large 850 gram cup of yogurt is more expensive than buying four small cups.
Photo: Nina Lorvik (Mediehuset Nettavisen)

For kiwi, 4×150 grams of vanilla yogurt costs 13 crowns, while the price per kilo is 21.67 crowns. If, on the other hand, you buy a large mug of 500 grams, you will have to pay NOK 18.90, the price per kilo of NOK 37.80. Kiwi does not sell glasses with 850 grams of vanilla yogurt.

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Understand the reaction

– You have to follow him, otherwise you will be tricked, says Rune Nicolaisen, who runs Gjerrigknarken.

– People think that it is worth buying the largest package, or the one that seems the largest, because the most logical thing is that it is the cheapest, he says.

He has also shared the example of large and small glasses of yogurt on his pages, and on his Instagram page he asked followers if they compare the price per liter and kilo before buying a product. The answer was surprising.

– Among my followers, 32 percent do not compare prices, and that is quite a lot. I want to believe that my followers are more price conscious than many others, says Nicolaisen, adding:

– The chains know that people do not compare the prices of the liter and the kilo.

Tine, who is a producer of vanilla yogurts, has been presented with the difference in price between the different pack sizes. They understand that it can provoke reactions.

– We understand well that consumers ask questions about the price of these two products. It is the chains that determine the price based on the store, but in dialogue with our customers (the chains), we work so that large packages provide an advantage, which is also logical, answers Sindre Ånonsen, communications manager for Tine, in an e-mail.

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– It is not always logical

Harald Kristiansen, communications director at Coop Norge, understands that people who follow prices and know that a large pack is usually the cheapest, react to the fact that the price per kilo of the pack of four is cheaper than if you buy 850 grams.

– There is not always logic in prices, he says.

Explain that a product can have an “abnormal” price for various reasons, such as that the price lags behind a campaign or that it is a product that many people buy, leaving it exposed to the competition.

– If an item is priced too low as a result of stiff price competition, we try, where possible, to adjust the price of the other pack sizes as well. But it depends on whether we sell everything at a loss or not, he explains.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Photo of the Harald Kristiansen cooperative: Halvor Ripegutu Head of Communications for the Norwegian cooperative, Harald Kristiansen.  Half image of him in front of a store shelf.  He wears a gray sweater and glasses.

POPULAR PRODUCT: Harald Kristiansen, communications manager for Coop Norge, says that price competition and the popularity of a product can affect price differences between different package sizes.
Photo: Halvor Ripegutu (Mediehuset Nettavisen)

However, it does have a good explanation for why the four-pack is cheaper than the big box of yogurt.

– It is a popular product among families with young children. It fits perfectly in the lunch box for both kindergarten and school and is therefore a product that we have prioritized to lower the price of the beginning of school. Now that we know that many may have a slightly tighter economy due to the crown situation, Kristiansen says.

Click the pic to enlarge.  CHEAPER: This four-pack of small yogurt cups is priced per pound cheaper than buying a large cup.

CHEAPER: This four-pack of small yogurt cups is priced per pound cheaper than buying a large cup.
Photo: Nina Lorvik (Mediehuset Nettavisen)

– Don’t you think people feel cheated when a big pack isn’t worth buying?

– Consumers get low prices if they keep up, and many get it right. And it is also not appropriate for everyone to buy a large mug or a large package of a product, responds Kristiansen, who does not want to answer Nettavisen’s questions directly.

He also points out that the individual sometimes receives criticism that large packages are cheaper, because there are many who live alone or in small households.

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– Popular article

Nora Mile Helgesen, a communications consultant for Kiwi, on the other hand, says that the four-pack of vanilla yogurt is priced a pound cheaper than the large cup is price competition.

– It is a popular product and therefore there is strong price pressure on it. It has been abnormally low in price for a while and therefore the relationship between this and the 500 gram cup may be like this, he explains in an email.

– Don’t you think customers will feel cheated when small cups are cheaper than large ones?

– We believe that our clients are price conscious and choose the product that best suits each individual. These are two different products, she says.

Helgesen points out that they clearly mark both the price per kilo and the unit price, so it should be clear what the price difference is between the products. also explains the price difference between different sizes of yogurt cups with the price competition.

– Grocery prices are not always so logical, because price wars sometimes break out, which means that smaller varieties can be cheaper than larger ones. It is important to be an alert consumer, says Tor Erik Aag.

Click the pic to enlarge.  Tor Erik Aag

SUMMARY: Tor Erik Aag, commercial director of, believes that it is easy to get an overview of the price differences of the products with them.
Photo: Nina Lorvik (Mediehuset Nettavisen)

Aag points out that at Kolonial it is not easy to spot the difference in the price per kilo, as you get all three varieties of, for example, Tine vanilla yogurt if you look for it on their website. Therefore, consumers will not feel cheated either.

Rema 1000 has not yet responded to Nettavisen’s query.

– Competition price

Although it is common to save more on the price of the kilo by buying a larger package, this is not always the case. In other products Nettavisen has reviewed, both butter and milk, we see examples of how a large package pays off.

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It is not more than 1 crown and 50 øre that separates 400 grams and 800 grams of Soft Flora Original butter in Kiwi, but the difference in price per kilo is enormous. If you buy 600 grams for NOK 29.90, the price per kilo is NOK 49.83. If you buy 400 grams for NOK 28.40, the price per kilo is up to NOK 71.

– The 600 gram variant is a very popular item. We push prices every day and never give up on price. When the other chains follow, we push even lower, and then the difference in the prices per kilo can be like this, explains Helgesen in Kiwi.

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In Extra, 620 grams cost NOK 30.90, with a price per kilo of NOK 49.84. 400 grams, on the other hand, costs 27.60 crowns, with a price of 69 crowns per kilo.

– There is a big difference in the price per kilo, but it still gives a correct picture of how it is normally priced. I think it costs roughly the same to produce the two different packages, even if one is slightly larger, says Kristiansen.

Click the pic to enlarge.  BIG DIFFERENCE DIFFERENCE: The price difference is not big, but if you look at the price per kilo, you will see a big difference if you buy 400 grams and 600 grams of Soft Flora butter.

BIG DIFFERENCE DIFFERENCE: The price difference is not big, but if you look at the price per kilo, you will see a big difference if you buy 400 grams and 600 grams of Soft Flora butter.
Photo: Nina Lorvik (Mediehuset Nettavisen)

Rema 1000 has a price per kilo of NOK 49.83 if you buy a 600 gram pack for NOK 29.90. 400 grams cost 28.40 crowns and a kilo cost 71 crowns.

We also see the same in milk. It is a lower price per liter if you buy 1.75 liters of milk than if you buy 1 liter.

Kiwi, Rema and Extra have exactly the same price, and they are the following:

Light thawing of milk 1 l – SEK 17.90
Light milk defrosts 1.75 l – 24.90 SEK – price per liter 14.23 SEK
Light milk Q 1 l – SEK 17.40
Light milk Q 1.75 l – 24.90 SEK – price per liter 14.23 SEK

The awards were obtained at the end of week 36.
