Government relaxes crown measures – NRK Norway – Summary of news from different parts of the country


This article is over a month old and may contain outdated advice from authorities on coronary heart disease.

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Prime Minister Erna Solberg, Health Minister Bent Høie and Culture Minister Abid Raja today invited a press conference on the status of the crown. Also present were the director of the Norwegian Health Directorate, Bjørn Guldvog, and the department director of the National Institute of Public Health, Line Vold.

– We cannot break the infection control rules, even if it is a public holiday. We are still on unsafe ground. We have several local shoots. Now it is Oslo, Arendal and Øygarden who have to deal with the outbreaks.

This is how the Prime Minister opened today’s press conference.

– National infection rates are at a relatively low level, he continued.

He emphasized that this was not a launch, but a new phase, before proposing changes to the national corona measures.

The new national guidelines include:

Broad-based adult sports can start over

The national bar stop ends at midnight

It is open for 600 people to gather at outdoor events. Inside, the maximum limit of 200 people still applies.

In places where there are local outbreaks, local measures remain in effect.

The relief applies as of October 12. The bar stop ends as of the night of October 13.

– For those of you who live in areas with higher contagion, and who have yet to wait for the relief that we will make towards the end of next week, I hope this is an extra motivation to join the infection control measures that have been implemented by the local authorities said. Solberg.

Wave of infection 2 in Europe

Health Director Bjørn Guldvog summed up the infection situation in Europe.

– We are in the wave of infections number 2 in Europe. The increase in infection has occurred at the same time that classes start and people return after the holidays. In several places, the infection cannot be traced, Guldvog said.

He highlighted the countries France, Great Britain, Spain and Russia as the countries with the most infections.

– Compared to almost all other countries, we have a less serious situation in Norway. Schools and kindergartens are open, the health service operates roughly normally, and workplaces are operating normally. The reason for this is that most people follow infection control advice and municipalities can track the infection, Guldvog said.

Tighter in Oslo

Oslo City Councilor Raymond Johansen (Labor Party) announced on Monday stricter crown measures in the capital, including an order for sanitary napkins on public transport and a ban on indoor events with more than 50 participants without permanent seats.

The new measures came after pressure from Health Minister Bent Høie.

On Monday, the Health Minister asked all municipalities in the capital to introduce several of the same measures.

In the last two days, the increase is 217 reported cases of coronary heart disease. Displays the figures for the national infectious disease notification system. It takes an average of one to two days from when the test result is available until it is recorded, so the figures can give an inaccurate picture of the infection situation at this time.

These are the measures that Oslo is introducing:

Forcing the use of bandages in public transport when it is not possible to maintain a distance of one meter.

Order to register guests in restaurants.

Temporary ban on indoor events with more than 50 participants without fixed seats.

Introduces the use of face masks in home nursing where distance cannot be maintained.

A new evaluation of the measures will be carried out after 14 days.
