– Got his “15 minutes of fame” – VG


HAS ANALYZED CONVERSATIONS WITH MADSEN: During a Skype interview with the VG reporter in Copenhagen, psychiatrist Henrik Day Poulsen shared his thoughts on Peter Madsen’s escape attempt. Photo: Emma Line Holm Sejersen

COPENHAGEN (VG) Psychiatrist Henrik Day Poulsen understands Peter Madsen better than most. He is convinced that the escape attempt was a success in the eyes of the murderer.

Poulsen has appeared in two documentaries about Madsen and the murder of Swedish journalist Kim Wall. He has overheard phone conversations with the killer and read love letters he has sent him.

In Poulsen’s opinion, they confirm the conclusion of the Danish forensic psychiatrists; that Madsen is a liar, pervert, psychopath, and narcissist.

Here Madsen is hunted during his escape from prison.

The psychiatrist describes him as one of the most dangerous prisoners in Denmark:

– Partly because of the murder that was committed and the planning behind it. If you kill someone in a fight, psychiatrists will consider you less dangerous than someone who for several months has planned a murder and has taken their time with the murder. What he did to Wall makes Madsen more dangerous.

– It is also emphasized by everything that happened yesterday, that is, that he is capable of threatening himself with a belt bomb. And not only that, he also takes a hostage, he tells VG.

Madsen was presented to prison on Wednesday morning after he tried to escape from Herstedvester prison in the Copenhagen suburb of Albertslund on Tuesday.

By taking one of the prison psychologists hostage, Madsen managed to threaten to get out of prison before fleeing. However, he did not get very far when he was stopped by massive police forces.

Madsen was arrested about 4-500 meters from the prison, with a bomb-like belt around his stomach.

CHANGES REQUIRED: Poulsen believes that the Danish Prison Service should review its internal procedures after Madsen’s escape attempt. Photo: Emma Line Holm Sejersen

– Once again he achieved what his goal is

Although it was only five minutes before the police handcuffed him, Poulsen is certain that the killer experienced the escape attempt as a success.

– Of course he probably expected to be free, but I don’t think he is necessarily dissatisfied, because he got his “15 minutes of fame”. Yesterday was really on everyone’s lips, it was even one of the main stories of the BBC. So he has achieved his goal again; that is to say, being famous, like rockets, says the psychiatrist.

He also believes that the escape attempt has been well received by Madsen’s fellow inmates.

– I’m pretty sure he is seen as a hero in prison and that there are many prisoners who think it is well done that he managed to fool the police. He’s probably a “man of the day” they look up to, says Poulsen.

Critic of prison care: – Completely incomprehensible

In 2018 it emerged that Madsen had been sentenced to life in prison for the ill-treatment and murder of Swedish journalist Kim Wall.

Previously, Madsen himself never admitted to committing the actual murder. During the trial, however, he admitted to mutilating Wall’s body. In the new documentary for Danish Discovery Networks, featuring Poulsen, Madsen claims for the first time that he was behind the murder.
Poulsen thinks it is obvious that Tuesday’s escape attempt, like the murder of Kim Wall, is marked by planning.

– It takes time to craft the Fake Bomb Belt and Body Gun. He emphasizes that it is dangerous and that it is something he has planned. He must have done it in secret and has reused his technical and criminal skills to do it, he says.

– Do you think he will plan more escape attempts?

– Depends on whether you have the opportunity to do so. Now hopefully we will have a discussion about the penitentiary and if they can handle that task. Because it is completely incomprehensible to everyone, probably also in Norway, how such a dangerous man manages to get out. It’s as if Anders Behring Breivik should have escaped from jail. This is how we can’t have it, he says.

Poulsen describes a certain naivety in parts of the criminal care system, where it is believed that criminals like Peter Madsen can be re-socialized. It refers to the Danish BT case that the murderer in prison has had access to a metal shop.

– It is not well thought out for him to enter the workshop where it is possible to do things. We must remember that it has only been three years since the murder. I believe that the Danish prison service should examine its procedures very closely, he concludes.

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