Gjøvik Municipality Goes From Yellow To Red Level After New Infection Cases – NRK Innlandet – Local News, TV and Radio


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The measures take place after crisis management in Gjøvik had a meeting on Sunday night.

According to the municipality’s website, 7 new people have been infected by covid 19. There must be a woman in her 30s and another six people under 20 years of age. A total of 49 people have been infected in the past 10 days, Oppland Arbeiderblad reports.

For VG, the municipal chief physician Siri Fuglem Berg claims that up to 1,165 people are now in quarantine.

Several municipalities around Lake Mjøsa are now part of a major inland crown bud. On Friday it became known that many of those infected had connections with African communities in the municipalities in question.

High school closes

Vardal ungdomsskole in Gjøvik will now be shut down after infection in all stages was discovered. All students at the school have been quarantined and will be taught online.

An entire class from Gjøvik Upper Secondary School has also been quarantined. The same is a step in Blomhaug primary school, writes Oppland Arbeiderblad.

Crisis management now encourages all grassroots sports in Gjøvik to avoid training where it is not possible to maintain a minimum distance of one meter.

This applies to sports for children, youth and adults. But the exception is in elite sports that can continue.

Enter a series of measurements

The so-called “red level” means that various measures are introduced for students and children in Gjøvik:

  • No sick person should attend school, after school or kindergarten.
  • Good hygiene and improved cleanliness.
  • Avoid physical contact between staff and, where possible, divide students and children into smaller groups with normal adults
  • Ensure the distance between cohorts that do not cooperate
  • Separate areas in the schoolyard for different classes / cohorts during free minutes and breaks.
  • Opportunity for reduced offerings and alternate attendance hours at school, SFO and kindergarten.
  • Students who go to OFS have their own packed lunch.
  • New opening hours in kindergartens

Several new corona infections in Hedemarken

The local outbreak in Hamar and neighboring municipalities is increasing in scope, with five new cases since Saturday night. Therefore, Hamar has 34 cases of infection in recent days.

Several hundred people are now under quarantine in Hamar and neighboring municipalities.

On Sunday, it was also learned that an employee of the Health Center in Elverum tested positive for covid 19. The municipal chief doctor says that the infection team has a good overview of the patients for whom the person in question has been responsible and with whom he has had close contact.
