Giuliani is cheated on in the hotel room with a young woman in the new Borat movie


The scene, which was set in a hotel room in New York, includes a sequence in which Giuliani is lying on a bed with his shirt tucked into his pants, with a young woman nearby.

Giuliani arrived at the hotel believing that he would be interviewed about President Donald Trump’s response to the corona pandemic. The young woman flirts with him and invites him into the room, which is full of hidden cameras.

Giuliani asks for the woman’s phone number and address as he lies down on the bed to tuck his shirt into his pants. At the same moment, Cohen, dressed as a cameraman, bursts in and yells that the woman is only 15 years old.

Until this moment, nothing indicated that the woman was a minor. The actress, who plays Borat’s daughter, is Maria Bakalova, 24, according to the IMDb movie database.

– Wilder than it looks

Giuliani, a former mayor of New York and a close associate of Trump, reported the incident to police. But there is no indication that the police are pursuing the case. He did not want to comment.

Columnist Maureen Dowd, who wrote a profile on Cohen before the film’s release, tweets that the scene “is even wilder than it sounds.” More than nauseating.

Troll those close to Trump is a central theme in the film, which opens on Amazon Prime on Friday.

The film is a sequel to the 2006 film in which Borat, from the glorious Republic of Kazakhstan, travels the United States and makes sexist, racist, and anti-Semitic comments and tricks unsuspecting interlocutors into responding in kind.

Gives the daughter as a gift

In the new movie, Borat returns to try to gift his daughter to Vice President Mike Pence.

The closest he gets is in a conservative conference audience, where he yells at Pence that he has a lady with him. Dressed as Trump and with Bakalova hanging off his shoulder, the guards quickly escort him.

Sacha Baron Cohen has made it a routine to joke around with conservative personalities.

On his “Who Is America” ​​show, among other things, he got former Vice President Dick Cheney to sign his autograph on a water torture instrument.

He also ran a so-called pedophilia test on former Alabama Senator Roy Moore, who lost the election after being accused of having too close ties to young girls. Moore sued Cohen for the episode.

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