– Gets bread and water – VG


UNEXPECTED GUEST: There was one extra person on board the “Statsraad Lehmkuhl” on Tuesday afternoon. Photo: Hallgeir Vågenes

The crew aboard the “Statsraad Lehmkuhl” were shocked when they found a blind passenger under the deck of the training ship.

– We’ve never experienced this before, says Statsraad Lehmkuhl Foundation director Haakon Vatle of the unusual discovery that was made aboard the ship on Tuesday.

A person living in western Norway has sneaked aboard the ship before leaving the Bergen pier on Sunday. Three days later, the crew found him on board.

– According to the captain, there was no drama when they found him. He has been cared for and placed in a separate room. There he gets bread and water, Vatle jokes.

The person in question has no connection to the ship and his purpose for the voyage is unknown.

– There really was no drama surrounding this. It was found in the basement of the ship and will be transported ashore tonight, Vatle says.

Originally, the ship was on a trip to Shetlands, he says, but due to the situation in the crown, they chose to chart the route to the Norwegian coast.

– It was a five day trip from Bergen and vice versa. They are now sailing to Stavanger to hand over the blind passenger to police before heading to sea again to complete, the director claims.

It is unclear how the person got on board.

– This has never happened before. We have very good routines and procedures to check the boat before every departure, but of course we will check it and see how it can be improved.

– The routines are there, but the person in question has managed to go unnoticed, so we have to look at that, concludes Vatle.

Director of Operations Jøran Solheim in the Southwest Police District confirms that the ship is on its way to hand over the person.

– He’s been on board since Saturday. He has been completely calm and does what they say. It will be handed over to the health service, says Solheim.

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