Get criticized for victory


Yesterday, the news broke about which couple got away with the victory on the TV show 2 «Sommerhytta». The final came after ten intense weeks, with a total of four couples, who had fought side by side to achieve the great dream of the cabin.

Won «Sommerhytta»: - Very surprised

Won «Sommerhytta»: – Very surprised

The concept is that couples were allowed to build their own cabin at the Lyseren Strandpark in Ytre Enebakk. However, only one couple can keep the cabin they have built, while the others are put up for sale.

Therefore, yesterday’s final was naturally marked by a lot of emotion.

RENEWAL ADVENTURE: Before long, Halvor Bakke and the boys managed to give Birgit Skarstein the cabin dream she had been waiting for for a long time.
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In the end, however, it became clear that it was boyfriend and girlfriend Levi Try (23) and Øyunn Krogh (25) who fled with victory, and thus managed to stay with the cabin of their dreams.

It was a moving affair for the couple, who shed tears as the confetti fell on them.

CAME TO TEARS: Øyunn Krogh and her boyfriend Levi Try couldn’t hold back their tears when they found out that they could keep the cabin of their dreams. Photo: TV 2
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– It was so even in the final that the outcome was completely open. Therefore, it was very great to come out victorious from the competition, the couple told See and Hear yesterday.

Bloody accident while recording

Bloody accident during the recording of “Sommerhytta”


The victory has created a great participation in social networks and, although the congratulations have arrived, several have expressed their discontent that it was Krogh and Try who won.

In the comment fields of several Norwegian media, several have pointed out that the couple did not deserve to win, that they were the worst craftsmen and that the cabin was the worst of the four cabins.

THE CABIN: Thus, this cabin was the one that allowed Øyunn Krogh and Levi Try to keep when they fled with the victory in the TV program 2. Photo: TV 2
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The Krog and Try dream cabin is also known as the ‘Fretex cabin’.

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In this way, Norwegians can save NOK 4.25 billion in interest costs.

In this way, Norwegians can save NOK 4.25 billion in interest costs.

When Se og Hør talks to the couple, it is clear that they have actually decided that they do not want to comment on the negative comments.

He left his honeymoon when he had the opportunity of his life on TV 2

He left his honeymoon when he had the opportunity of his life on TV 2

– We don’t want to focus on that. We’re happy it turned out the way it did, and we’ve just avoided reading the negative they say.

– What kind of reactions have you had yourself?

– Now I have not had time to check my phone yet, but I have not read anything negative, says Try, while Krogh continues with:

– He has entered my phone without stopping, and there have only been many good words. For us, people have been very supportive and there have been many positive comments.

IN KLOPPEN: Jon Almås reveals that Erik Follestad broke into a booth during a recording of 71 degrees north. – A bit of fun! VIDEO: TV2
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Take it as a compliment

When asked what the “Sommerhytta” winners think about others who think they are the worst artisans, the couple point out that there are many viewers who cannot see on TV show 2.

– I think that people who see it on television have a different perception than us, who have been there 24 hours a day. There is no doubt that others were better at building than us, but our cabin is also very well built, think Krogh and Try.

Against accusations of cheating

Against accusations of cheating

– They consider what they want to get on TV, and we feel that they have portrayed us as worse carpenters than we really were, they continue, and they point out that that does not mean that they were better than any of the other couples. in “Sommerhytta.”

Who are very proud of their own carpentry work, and not least of the result, they do not hide from See and Hear.

SATISFIED: The couple themselves are very happy with their own efforts and the end result of the cabin. Photo: TV 2
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– We are very happy with the final result, and we have shown the cabin to both friends and family, they say.

When the couple learn that dissatisfied viewers have referred to the cabin as the “Fretex cabin,” they first laugh a lot, before explaining that this is exactly what they take as a huge compliment.

Sold all the prize

Sold the entire “Farmen” award

– We are happy to accept that. We think Fretex is a cool store and we love that our booth is called Fretex booth. We think it’s great that we’re making a booth that can be reused in this throwaway community. It’s really very sad if someone said it as a negative thing, say the couple.

TITLE ON MONITOR: This year’s “The Farm” has already made many headlines, and now people have also hung up the clothes Karianne Vilde wears while on the farm. Journalist: Henriette Eilertsen. Video: Thea Hope / Red Carpet
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No plans to sell

As mentioned, Krogh and Try can keep their own-built cabin, but yesterday, to Se og Hør, the couple revealed that they have no plans to buy a house by selling the cabin, which is worth around three million. crowns.

– We thought that if we were to win the cabin, we would keep it and create a gathering place for our friends and family. We cling to that thought. The cabin will be a social oasis, they said yesterday.

KEEP THE CAB: Øyunn Krogh and Levi Try have no plans to sell the hut, which is worth around three million crowns. Photo: TV 2
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However, the couple made no secret of the fact that owning a debt-free country home for three million gives them the opportunity to enter the real estate market.

– An opportunity that would have been several years ahead of us if we had not won. The booth has a lot to say about our future, the duo continued.

THE HOUSE OF DREAMS: Helene Olafsen and Jørgen Nilsen bought their dream home in Malmøya last year. They are now showing the house on the YouTube series “Klarna Stops”. Video: Klarna
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