Gard Michalsen ends up as editor-in-chief of E24 – E24


Michalsen has resigned from his position as editor-in-chief of E24 and Dine Penger. This was reported to employees on Wednesday afternoon.

Gard Michalsen has resigned from his position as editor-in-chief of E24 and Dine Penger

Cicilie Andersen


– The last few years have been an adventure. Thanks to the fantastic band of E24, we are well on our way to occupying the number one spot in finance and business. It was this challenge that made me take on the most exciting media job in Norway, and it definitely has been, he says.

Under Gard Michalsen’s leadership, E24 has grown strongly in terms of employees, readers, revenue, and subscribers. The online newspaper has also significantly strengthened its position in agenda-setting business news and investigative journalism.

In the last year, we have hired even more good people, created a whole new organization, and established a new collaboration at Schibsted. All of this is on the right track, but such strong growth doesn’t happen without internal growing pains and challenges. This fall, management has received clear feedback from the editorial team that we must work with.

– We have just started this work and at first I was determined to complete it. But I have come to realize that we are in a situation where the task can be easier with others at the helm than me. Sometimes the correct choice is to pass the baton. Now it may be the best thing for E24 and therefore I have made the decision to resign my position, says Michalsen.

He adds:

– It’s anything but a simple decision. But I do it because what I want the most is for E24 to succeed. And I hope to continue the journey further from the outside.

Christian Haneborg, chairman of the E24 board, says there is great respect for the choice Gard Michalsen is making.

-I know it was not an easy decision. With his enormous hard work, positivity and experience as an entrepreneur, Gard has moved E24 significantly in the right direction. Under his leadership, E24 has not only seen significant growth in traffic and revenue, it is also significantly better positioned for further growth through a stronger editorial staff and greater collaboration with the other newspapers at Schibsted. Now I wish Gard all the best for the future, he says.

Michalsen will be leaving the position with immediate effect, but will be available for E24 and Schibsted in the future. News editor Lars Håkon Grønning will be acting editor-in-chief until there is a permanent replacement.

– I wish Lars Håkon all the luck and the same to the board in finding a permanent solution. Now I’ll spend some time figuring out what to do next. It remains to be seen whether it will be at Schibsted, outside, something established, or entirely new. If I know myself well, I will probably come up with something. But now, first and foremost, I’m going to take a longer Christmas vacation, says Gard Michalsen.
