Fully vaccinated crown resident infected in a nursing home in Oslo – NRK Oslo and Viken – Local news, TV and radio


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An Ellingsrudhjemmet resident tested positive for coronavirus, after receiving two doses of the coronary vaccine.

Pitch players

Tone Spieler confirms the outbreak.

Photo: Municipality of Oslo

This is confirmed by the communications consultant Tone Spieler of the Oslo Municipality’s Nursing Home Agency.

In addition, two employees of the nursing home tested positive. This was confirmed on February 18 and 19.

The infection was discovered after sample number two from a fully vaccinated resident was positive. A previous test had given a negative answer.

23 employees and 22 residents are in quarantine after the outbreak.

In a message that Ellingsrudhjemmet has posted on Facebook, he says:

“Research says that those who are vaccinated are protected against serious diseases, but that uncertainty about the vaccinated person can infect others.”

Called home from the holidays

A department has a restraining order. Strict infection control measures continue at the nursing home because they don’t know if the infection has spread even if you have been fully vaccinated.

The nursing home works with infection tracking. Employees who were supposed to be on vacation have been called back to work.

In connection with the outbreak, the nursing home has examined more than 200 people. The test continues every three days for the next ten days, the nursing home claims.

– Are you surprised that a fully vaccinated resident got sick?

– Yes, of course this surprises us. But there are actually several others in Norway who have also become infected after being fully vaccinated.

In the future, we will keep a close eye on whether more residents should get sick. Additionally, employee and resident testing continues as we have in the past year with testing, testing, and testing, Spieler says.

No one was infected

Less than two weeks ago, the Oslo Nursing Home Agency was able to report that there were no corona-infected residents in any of Oslo’s 39 nursing homes.

This was the first time since November.

Most residents of Oslo’s nursing homes have been vaccinated. Even if you have been vaccinated against the coronavirus, the National Institute of Public Health has explained that you can become infected with the virus again. It has been reported in several cases that patients who have received one or two doses of vaccine have become infected.

Vold FHI Line

Vold line

Photo: Berit Roald / NTB

NIPH has previously stated that they record all of these cases. So far they have received no reports of serious illness in people who have been fully vaccinated.

– It takes time from vaccination to creation of protection against covid-19. This means that someone will get sick if they get infected right after receiving the vaccine. And you don’t have full protection until about a week has passed since you received the second dose, explains department director Line Vold at FHI.

The Nursing Home Agency in Oslo writes in their visiting rules that they estimate that it will be seven days after the second dose of vaccine before the resident has the full effect of the coronary vaccine, and that visits should be avoided during this period. .
