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MISSING AND INSPECTED: The couple Anne-Elisabeth and Tom Hagen. Photo: Private

One of Tom Hagen’s closest supporters now tells for the first time why he believes it is inconceivable that the billionaire is behind Anne-Elisabeth Hagen’s disappearance.

Saturday marks two years since Anne-Elisabeth Hagen disappeared from her home in Lørenskog, on October 31, 2018.

In the nearly six months that have passed since Tom Hagen was arrested and charged with killing his wife, VG has tried to get Tom Hagen himself, his adult children, or other close friends and supporters to express their views on the case. .

Now, one of Tom Hagen’s closest followers takes the magazine out of his mouth. The man, who has been in several police interrogations, believes that the criminal act committed against Anne-Elisabeth “contradicts the personality of Tom Hagen”.

– Everything on this platform points in the opposite direction to Tom Hagen. With his hand on his heart, Tom has nothing to do with the disappearance, says the sympathizer, who has a strong desire to remain anonymous.

Background: The disappearance of Lørenskog month by month

– unthinkable

The so-called platform he refers to includes planning, a threatening letter, lawsuits of millions in cryptocurrencies, and encrypted communication. Hagen, for his part, expresses that he is “analog” and that he has little computer skills.

His favorite thing is paper, and he reportedly gets help printing emails, which he reads on paper. A few years ago he had an iPhone, but at the time of his disappearance he was using an old Nokia mobile phone.

This is one of the factors that alienate Hagen as the perpetrator, according to his supporters.

– Tom Hagen wants and depends on Lisbeth. He is close to his children and is very concerned and enthusiastic about his grandchildren. That he steals his mother and grandmother is inconceivable, says the sympathizer, who has a close relationship with the power and real estate billionaire.

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On October 31, 2018, Tom Hagen left for work around nine. At 09.14, Anne-Elisabeth was on her last phone call. Her husband called her several times during the day with no response. At 1:30 p.m. he drove home because she didn’t answer.

So his wife must have left, and in the house there was a threatening letter demanding millions in cryptocurrencies, he explained. At 2:07 p.m., he alerted the police, before meeting them at a nearby gas station.

Here’s the entire threatening letter:

According to the police murder hypothesis, Tom Hagen himself had a role in the disappearance of Anne-Elisabeth Hagen. At the same time, the police believe that several leads in the case suggest that in that case he must have had assistants. A man in his 30s is charged in the case, but denies having anything to do with the disappearance.

Read also: This is Tom Hagen’s video alibi

The Hagen supporter no longer has confidence in the management of the investigation in the Eastern Police District in this case.

– Tom Hagen only trusts the people he knows when it comes to crucial questions. Here he should almost have put his life in the hands of strange savages. It’s amazing, says the follower.

He calls it one of the many logical flaws in the main police hypothesis.

– Tom Hagen does not make agreements in areas that he does not understand in detail, and here he was to bet on solutions within the cryptocurrency that he does not understand, elaborates and continues:

– This is a kidnapping that is carefully planned over a long period of time, almost with military precision. If Tom was behind this, would he have spontaneously gone to the theater with Anne Elisabeth the night before? Has no sense. Furthermore, it would be absurd to plan for the house itself to become the crime scene.

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DINNER HERE: The night before the disappearance, the Hagen couple had dinner at the Brasserie Hansken restaurant in central Oslo with a couple of friends. Photo: Helge Mikalsen

– A robust marriage

Police have a theory that marital problems may be a motive for Tom Hagen. Police believe several clues may indicate that she would leave him, including older separation documents and testimonies from people who knew Anne-Elisabeth Hagen.

Hagen’s children and their followers do not understand this.

– If Lisbeth really wanted to go, she just could have. People who have come to blows with Tom Hagen in recent times have subsequently deliberately tried to have a good relationship and be successful with it, says the supporter.

In the interrogation, Tom Hagen has admitted that there were ups and downs in the marriage, especially related to a conflict of the 90s. But he denies when questioning that it was a matter of divorce.

– The children speak of a robust marriage. After all, it has lasted 50 years and the children have fond memories of its growth, but also of the last time before the disappearance, says child welfare lawyer Ståle Kihle.

– Those closest to him say that there was nothing to indicate that something was wrong in the relationship when Lisbeth disappeared. It was also not a topic in the mother-daughter conversations, Kihle says.

Read also: Police have mapped 122 locations in search of Anne-Elisabeth Hagen

BACK: Anne-Elisabeth Hagen is called Lisbeth by friends and family. She has been missing since October 31, 2018. Photo: Private

– Tom is not A4

Before Hagen was arrested, he sent a series of emails to the police with his theories on the case. At the press conference where the accusation against Tom Hagen was presented, the police described the case as a planned murder.

Read also: E-mailed the police days before the arrest

They thought that Hagen had deliberately misled them, and here the police point to the emails, among other things, according to information from VG.

– Calling it misleading is a complete album boom and fucking unfair. This is a man who has tried to help as best he can to find out what happened to his own wife. It was communicated the way the police wanted. The police did not want any dialogue or cooperation. But they encouraged him to write notes on the case, and Tom did, says the Hagen supporter, who believes it is a shame that the police never tried or managed to meet Tom Hagen.

– If they had, they would not have ended up with the wrong theory and a desperate accusation. Tom is not A4 and you have to understand it. The tragedy is that the police with their tunnel vision may have ruined the chance to get an answer to what actually happened to Anne-Elisabeth, says the supporter.

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ÅSTED: The police have conducted extensive investigations at the couple’s home in Sloraveien in Lørenskog. Photo: Jørgen Braastad, VG

The man who has known Tom Hagen and his family for over 30 years is concerned about the Hagen family:

– Not only Anne-Elisabeth is gone. Children and grandchildren also experience that their father and grandfather are wrongly accused of being responsible. It is almost impossible to become familiar with the stress that this family is in.

Several of Tom Hagen’s supporters refer to Hagen as a media cloud. If he actually had plans to commit a crime, it is completely illogical to make him the biggest Norwegian media case of all time, the people in the circle around the Hagen family point out.

– Tom Hagen belongs to a generation that has confidence in the Norwegian judiciary and police. Even in the darkest moments, he is said to have said that “the police will solve the case, in the end,” says the supporter.

Read also: Tom Hagen was allowed to move home

Police Inspector Agnes Beate Hemiø in the Eastern Police District. Photo: Vidar Ruud, NTB Scanpix

Two years after the disappearance, police say they still believe the case can be solved. According to the police, in the search to find her, they have mapped 122 locations both in Norway and abroad.

– The case is under investigation and there are still a number of key issues that the police have not concluded on. The assassination hypothesis appears as we see it as the most probable, but the kidnapping hypothesis has not been abandoned. According to the police assessment, there are good reasons to suspect Tom Hagen of complicity in the murder, something the court also agreed to in June 2020, police inspector Agnes Beate Hemiø tells VG.

She says police beyond this do not want to comment on the basis of suspicion or assessment of the evidence in the case.

In your reply, you refer to the decision of the Nedre Romerike District Court in June that the police wanted to re-search the Hagen family cabins. A month earlier, the Eidsivating Court of Appeal ruled that no it was good reason to be suspicious, and Tom Hagen was released.

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