FRP took away the owner of biotech this spring. Now you have to devour cheaper wine, sugar, soft drinks and tobacco


– It was not KrF’s priority. KrF leader Kjell Ingolf Ropstad admits it after being forced to buy cheaper wine, beer, snuff and soft drinks from Frp.

The budget negotiations have resulted in further losses for KrF leader Kjell Ingolf Ropstad. Photo: Siri Øverland Eriksen

The price for being able to receive 3,000 quota refugees and for saving the development assistance budget was that KrF had to swallow a series of camels served by Frp.

KrF had to accept a large border trade package. Parts of the content are in direct conflict with KrF’s priorities.

  • The FRP was lobbied to remove the entire tax on chocolate and confectionery. In budget negotiations three years ago, KrF got the go-ahead to go the opposite way: then taxes on chocolate, confectionery, soft drinks and other non-alcoholic products were increased by almost two billion kronor.
  • KrF has previously received approval for the main lines of alcohol policy to be established. However, KrF has had to accept extended opening hours at Vinmonopolet. Now the party must swallow a 10 percent reduction in taxes on beer and wine.

Here are the specific tax breaks the FRP has received, based on the party’s own figures:

  • Snus: Loose screw C3 -14.81 kr
  • Snus: White Screw S3 -7.76 ISK
  • Brus: 6 pack 1.5 liters -18.73 kr
  • Wine: Cardboard box 3L 12% -23.85 kr
  • Beer: Pack of 6 0.5l 4.7% -8.85 kr
  • Milk chocolate 200 grams -5.05 kr
  • One kg of chocolate -25.25 kr

NHO Food and Drink rejoices at these changes. But Actis, the collaborating body in the drugs field, regrets the changes. This is an organization close to KrF on drug policy.

– We are disappointed that taxes are reduced on the alcohol that people drink the most: beer and wine. This will likely increase consumption and have clear negative effects on public health, says Pernille Huseby, Actis secretary general.

Missed fetal tests again

FRP has had several breakthroughs like pain in KrF. Siv Jensen and company. has lobbied for pregnant women to be offered NIPT testing in the public sector during 2021.

This test can detect diseases early in pregnancy. KrF is a strong opponent of such tests. The party fears that the consequence will be the ordering of lives and more abortions.

The government had announced delays in the use of these tests. FRP has now ensured that this does not happen.

The party contributed the majority for these types of tests and the early ultrasound of fetuses this spring. This happened when the Storting considered amendments to the Biotechnology Act. Then the FRP tipped the majority in the Storting in its favor and moved away from the KrF line.

KrF’s big victory in government negotiations in 2019, a restrictive law, failed. Instead, the FRP secured a majority for NIPT testing, early ultrasound, egg donation, and assisted reproduction for single people. All the changes came to the main KrF protests.

The increase in child benefit stands out

– What remains of KrF’s progress in government negotiations?

– We have received through 8,200 crowns in increased child allowance for children up to six years and leisure cards to ensure that children between six and eighteen years of age enjoy leisure activities, responds party leader Kjell Ingolf Ropstad.

He adds that KrF has also received approval for one percent of GDP to be allocated to development assistance each year. And that Norway will receive 3,000 quota refugees next year.

– And through the budget negotiations, there have been more places open 24 hours for the elderly. The district’s investment has also improved thanks to increased investment in transportation.

– The goal of one percent of GNI (gross national income) for development aid was probably approved by the Liberal Party before you entered the government – and the leisure card will not be implemented as promised on the platform of the government?

– It’s there as a pilot project. NOK 180 million have been reserved. The experiment will be expanded, he says. However, Ropstad cannot fully determine how many more municipalities, and therefore children, will benefit from the pilot project next year.

– Have you not been able to introduce that card for 2021 as announced on the Granavolden platform?

– No, at the same time it is technically demanding to prepare a common platform for all municipalities. But now we are running pilot projects, he says.

However, the KrF leader claims that the goal is for the card to be presented as soon as possible.

Supports a weakened public health profile

Ropstad openly admits that lower taxes on alcohol, soft drinks and snus were not KrF’s priorities.

– It was something I fought against, he says, adding that he is glad there were no more.

– How do you think the public health profile is in this budget?

– I think he’s weakened, he says.

But you’re glad that unsweetened sodas are cheaper than sugary sodas.

Fighting at the polls

The loss of KrF in government negotiations comes at an unfavorable time for the party. The party is fighting at the polls. In the last poll conducted by Norstat for Aftenposten, KrF received such low support that it was not represented in the Storting.

And while KrF has negotiated with Frp, the party rifts have worked to pile a new party, Sentrum, on its feet. Kjell Magne Bondevik’s grandson Simen Bondevik will be the leader of the party’s youth organization.
