FRP leadership punishes Vedum after laughter:


– If the government has an agreement with us, it will be cut as much as possible, so that we guarantee jobs in Norway and security for the jobs of those who have struggled to get a job, Sylvi Listhaug tells TV 2, and adds:

– We believe billions of crowns must be cut to make it work. We propose 11.6 billion, but there are few parties that support us on that, says Listhaug.

The FRP deputy leader is surprised by the behavior of the Center Party leader, Trygve Slagsvold Vedum, in an interview with TV 2 on Thursday:

– I think it’s silly. This is a serious matter and concerns the work of thousands of people. Many who have now been given the opportunity due to the closing of borders, who fear being unemployed. That he’s such a drug addict … I’m surprised, says Listhaug.

Cane Butcher Flirts

FRP leader Siv Jensen calls it serious.

– Flirting with the question they asked Vedum yesterday, I think it’s quite serious. It’s about people’s work!

Listhaug scoffed at Vedum’s argument that alcohol taxes should be maintained from a public health perspective.

– You could almost think that alcohol is healthier in Sweden. I have not understood that, says the deputy leader of FRP.

She says the Vedum budget is a “stomach blow” and believes that alcohol taxes need to be lowered to pay off.

When the FRP was in government in government, they did not reduce alcohol taxes. The total tax increase was higher than ever, at $ 6.3 billion.

– The sad thing here is that Slagsvold Vedum tries to present himself as someone concerned about Norway and jobs in Norway, but his alternative will deprive many people of their jobs. He’s bragging, and Sp’s proposal is a real buzz, Listhaug says.

– You said “if there is going to be an agreement, then it must work.” What does that mean?

– It means a significant impact if we want to reach an agreement on the fees related to cross-border trade. The level of ambition is for rates to be reduced significantly.


Listhaug says he doesn’t bother to buy alcohol in Sweden.

– I have never bothered to drive to Strømstad to stand on the pole in miles of queues, but I want refreshments!

– Pepsi max?

– Pepsi! It must be appropriate, you know. With sugar.

Trygve Slagsvold Vedum declined to be interviewed on Friday.
